Children’s Ministry–A Craft Idea the Kids Will Love!

week5143This past weekend was our CBM National Conference. It was a great time to get together with all our CBM areas from around the States. We all enjoyed hearing what each area was doing in their ministries.

One of the break-out sessions was about themes. It was interesting to hear all the different ideas that the camps have used in the past. What a remarkable group of people, dedicated to helping children know the Lord.  Their ideas were to engage kids and reinforce the messages. One comment that was shared in the session was “what we may think is mickey mouse to us, isn’t to the kids. They love the simple things.” Here is an article about a craft idea that is simple and fun.

Last Supper Keychain Sunday School Craft

This Bible craft will help to reinforce your lesson about Jesus’ last supper. It also reminds your children’s ministry about the memory verse from John 6:35: “I am the bread of life: he that cometh to Me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on Me shall never thirst.” This craft is perfect for your Sunday school curriculum, as it’s great to do anytime, or you can save it for a special Easter children’s church.

You’ll need the following for this Bible activity:

*Self-drying clay
*Fun foam, any color
*Keychain loop (one for each student)
*Hole punch
*Wool or string

Beginning the Bible Craft

Bring in a few loaves of different types of bread while you explain the Bible verse to the children’s church. Then ask your students to mold their clay into a slice or loaf of bread, using the real bread as inspiration if need be.

Next use the straw to poke a hole through the completed clay shapes. Now help the kids cut out a rectangle of the craft foam; punch a hole through the corner of it. Help the students write “Jesus is the bread of life” on the foam rectangle with a marker.

Allow the clay pieces to dry according to the clay instructions. Once the clay is dry, place a piece of string or wool through the keychain loop, attaching the craft foam rectangle and the clay bread, creating a fun keychain that your children’ ministry students will love showing off at home.

This is just one Sunday school idea that can easily be added to your Sunday school curriculum. Be sure to have fun and encourage your students to show off their creative sides!

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