CBM Intern – Three in One

By CBM National intern, Ansley Blake - Three initial thoughts I had when I heard I was going to Camp Victory on rotation: 1) “Yes! Only an hour away from the beach!” 2) “Yes! The weather is hot!” 3) “I’ve already learned so much these past 8 months, what more could I possibly learn?” God quickly answered that question for me. In only a month and a half, I was taught a bit of consistency, how to prioritize, and that I never stop growing in the Lord, no matter how much I’ve already learned.   It is easy for me to start projects, but it is not ...

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His Vessels – An update from the Nicaragua Mission Trip

The following is an update from our Team 5 & Team 6 intern mission trip to Nicaragua. Each intern has written a few sentences about their experience on the trip. We praise the Lord for His work and provision as we served with ABWE missionaries in the Managua area. Our team helped for 2 days during the ABEM camps, serving alongside the local mission team, loving on kids, giving testimonies and helping with games. Our team then had the opportunity to run a VBS at a church in Nagarote and a church plant right outside Nagarote. What a blessing to see more kids than ...

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Christian Internship – Blind to the Obvious

By CBM National intern, Jamie Carpenter - The Lord is always doing something in our lives even if it is not easy for us to see. When I began the CBM National Internship Program I had an idea of what I was getting into, but experiencing it first-hand was like nothing else I’ve encountered. As I mentioned in my very first blog, God worked in me in tremendous ways just within the first month that I was at CBM National Headquarters. As I continued my time at various CBM areas, it became harder to see what the Lord was doing in my life even though I knew He was working. ...

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Christian Internship – Campers, My Favorite Part of Camp

  By CBM National intern,  Joseph Kirkland -  Some kids are clean, some are messy; some are the most well behaved children you’ve ever seen, and then there are those that are not. They come in all sorts of sizes, backgrounds, ideologies and experiences. They are people and want to feel that way. And every once in a while they come to camp. They come for various reasons--their parents or relatives made them come, they memorized Bible verses and attended classes to earn their way to camp, or they are just coming for the first time and have no idea what ...

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Christian Internship – Take My Life and Let It Be Consecrated, Lord, to Thee

By CBM National Intern, Ana Rodriguez – //Take my life and let it be Consecrated, Lord, to Thee. Take my moments and my days Let them flow in endless praise//   This well-known hymn is a prayer of mine. I hope to spend my moments and my days for the praise of His glory. Praise the Lord that all the days planned for me were written in His book before one of them came to be. I thank the Lord often for the moments and the days He has given me, yet what have I been doing with these precious days? They are precious, not because of their individual ...

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