His Vessels – An update from the Nicaragua Mission Trip

The following is an update from our Team 5 & Team 6 intern mission trip to Nicaragua. Each intern has written a few sentences about their experience on the trip. We praise the Lord for His work and provision as we served with ABWE missionaries in the Managua area. Our team helped for 2 days during the ABEM camps, serving alongside the local mission team, loving on kids, giving testimonies and helping with games. Our team then had the opportunity to run a VBS at a church in Nagarote and a church plant right outside Nagarote. What a blessing to see more kids than expected at the VBS! The gospel was clearly presented, the kids were loved, and the local pastor and missionaries were encouraged. This was not our doing but only the doing of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


Introduction by Jacquelyn Davis, National Intern Coordinator

“What a blessing it is to see the work of the Lord throughout the world. We often get so focused on our little area of ministry that we forget there is a whole wide world out there where God is at work—moving, ministering, and saving. Getting a glimpse of the global church allows us to realize how big and powerful our God is. He is mighty to save. What an awesome privilege it is to be allowed to serve Him by helping build His kingdom. I think we often fall prey to the idea that we in some way contribute to the work of the Lord. As if He couldn’t do it without us and is begging for our help. The truth is, He has it all under his control. He knows every moving piece. He sees every step. He is omniscient. And in His omniscient grace, He allows us frail human beings to be a part of the most amazing work in the world; not to build a kingdom of bricks or stone but of hearts. He will use broken and willing vessels to shine His light and bring Himself glory. I don’t know about you but I can feel nothing but humbled and adored that the God of the universe who has all the control and all the power would allow me, someone who fails time and time again, to serve Him. He allows me to be the vessel by which He conveys his love, mercy and truth. That is what we are: broken, willing vessels, loved and adored by the King of kings to the point of being given power and authority to share Him with the world.”


Joseph Kirkland, Team 5 Intern

“The mission trip to Nicaragua was a great thing to behold.  We saw many kids clearly given the Gospel and learned a few new Spanish words along the way.  It was a great to see how the local missionaries presented the Gospel so well and so many times.”

Josh Hopper, Team 6 Intern

“This past week I had the chance to work alongside ABWE missionaries at their camp, helping out the local counselors with the kids.  I also was able to help with VBS at two church plants for two days.  My job with the VBS was helping with Games.  It was so much fun to see the kids take to heart the Word of God.  I had a blast sharing God with the kids.”

Cati Watts, Team 5 Intern

“The trip posed many challenges such as turbulent plane rides, language barriers, and fears of public speaking.  But the Lord worked in wonderful ways!  I speak hardly any Spanish but I was still able to communicate the love of Jesus through smiles, the Spanish words I did know, and just playing with the kids.  Also, standing in front of people is not my favorite and I was nervous to share the gospel, worrying that I might mess up.  One of the biggest lessons I learned though, was that whatever I said was not what would save the kids.  God does the saving and it’s not my responsibility to carry.  Being reminded of that lifted a huge weight from my shoulders.”


Jamie Carpenter, Team 5 Intern

“The Lord worked in tremendous ways on our trip to Nicaragua.  The people there were so friendly and welcoming that it didn’t even feel like we were in a new place.  For me personally, I feel that God really blessed me.  I was so nervous before we left but, when I got there, it was like a sense of peace came over me.  I am so thankful for the opportunity Christ gave me to go and minister to those children and to show them His love.  I pray that we would have a lasting impact on everyone we came in contact with.”

Priscilla Depew, Team 5 Intern

“I had an amazing time in Nicaragua.  It was so amazing to watch the local team as they interacted with the kids.  God used this trip to help me trust Him more.  I did the crafts for our VBS, and we made the wordless bracelets.  I had to trust that no matter what I did or said, God would use it, and He would give me the words to say.  It was a growing experience, teaching it to the kids, and it has given me more confidence about teaching the gospel in the future.”

Ansley Blake, Team 6 Intern

“I praise the Lord for His perfection.  He used this trip to Nicaragua to teach me and grow me in ways I did not think necessary.  One thing I did was get up in front of over 100 children and share a memory verse with them (in Spanish!)  I was not very comfortable with speaking English in front of a group of people, but God gave me the strength to speak Spanish to them!  One of the biggest things I took away from this trip was that God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called.  All glory goes to my Lord and Savior!  Without Him, I am nothing.”

Jake Taylor, Team 5 Intern

“I got sick a few weeks before the mission trip and couldn’t go due to health-related issues.  It was hard watching my teammates go and having to stay home watching from the sidelines.  God’s been teaching me to trust Him more though, and my sickness didn’t catch Him off guard.  He has a plan for everything we go through, so now I am just waiting patiently for Him to show me what the next step is.”

Ana Rodriguez, Team 6 Intern

“El Amor de Dios es Maravilloso!  Translation: The love of our God is truly marvelous!  It surpasses anything we deserve and goes beyond what we can fathom.  His love in Christ unifies us with all believers around the globe and joins us together as family.  What a joy it was to serve alongside our brothers and sisters in Nicaragua!  Together, we labored to share this great love with kids in word and deed.  This same love, which is of God, compels us to continue in ministry wherever the Lord takes us.”

Praise the Lord with us as we reflect on all that He did in us and through us on the mission trip! Thank you to all who prayed for us and financially supported our trip.  You are an integral part of our team! Are you interested in learning more about our ministry or about how you can be a part? Please click the link below to learn more about the National Internship Program.


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