CBM Intern – Just Wait

Matthew Mashburn, CBM National Intern - There are many times in the Christian life where you just want to quit, right? Don’t tell me I’m alone in this. Sometimes things are just so hard you’re pressed near the point of quitting. You’re out of breath.  You’ve been serving for so long and, maybe, people are speaking against you or no one is responding to the service you’re giving. No matter what the exact situation may be, you’re just tired. I’m in that spot while writing this. But for you, fellow brother or sister, I bring hope. Did you know that ...

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CBM Intern – Grow, Kalaya, Grow

By CBM National Intern, Kalaya Beyer - I had never understood why I needed to be in the Word of God all of the time. Last year I made the mistake of joining a different internship program that rarely had me in the Word, except on weekday mornings.  I didn't realize how detrimental it would be to my spiritual life until month three when my life got dark. Without God being constantly around me and in my hand and in my thoughts, my vision for what He wanted me to do faded and I felt lost. So lost. I am not blaming anyone for what happened to me last year. I knew I was ...

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CBM Intern – A Cabin and a Mighty God

by CBM National intern, Jake Taylor  - Well, the time came and went. My time in the CBM Internship has ended! What a year it has been. I have traveled through a lot of the eastern United States going to my different rotations.  Watching how God provided was humbling. Money may have been tight but He proved, time and time again, that He would meet my needs. All I had to do was trust Him . It sounds so easy—just trust Him—but I found myself repeatedly trying to make it on my own; trying to put the pieces back together. The Lord was patient with me and, ...

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CBM Intern – Just a Closer Walk with Thee

By CBM National Intern, Ana Rodriguez - The title of this hymn is my desire and it is due to the grace of God, through spiritual disciplines. The Lord has been opening my eyes to the great privilege and power of prayer. He has brought me to meditate on its purpose, its goal, its influence, and so on. When it comes to prayer, there seem to be so many different, sometimes opposite, perspectives which can shape and blur my own beliefs. Yet I hope to remain grounded, looking always to God’s Word as the ultimate source of truth. The Lord has used other resources, such ...

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Josh Hopper’s Blog Post

By CBM National intern, Josh Hopper - Hey everyone! It’s hard to believe that I am already over halfway done with the CBM Internship. Time has flown by so fast. It has been great seeing God at work in my life and the lives of the children we work with. I have had so many opportunities to learn many aspects of camp life. It has been an amazing experience. I just hate that I am nearing the end of it already. The past two months I have had the opportunity to work at Camp Victory in Samson, AL. It has been an amazing time working with the staff there. My job at camp ...

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