Faith that Moves Mountains

By Adam Lowry, CBM National Intern - Most people in the world struggle with faith. I would have to say that I really don’t have a struggle with faith as much as others seem to. I’ve lived most of my life through faith in God and He has proven faithful every time. As a kid I used to be really shy and afraid of people. After getting saved I wanted God to use me in any way He wanted. God moved me from home school to public school, which pushed me out of my comfort zone. God was strengthening my faith and driving out the fear in me. Here are a few examples of ...

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Be that Light

By Sarah Pafford, CBM Alumtern - I’ve recently been very drawn to the story of Jesus sending out the twelve apostles in Matthew chapter 10. Here we see Jesus tell these twelve men to leave everything in the pursuit to heal the sick and to drive out impure spirits, but with a few conditions. They are to take nothing with them and they are to focus solely on the lost sheep of Israel, not the Gentiles. These two conditions very much pricked my heart.     1.“Go! But don’t take anything.” We live in an environment where needs are often met without much concern ...

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God is Moving – An Update from the Honduras Mission Trip with Teams 7 & 8 CBM National Interns

Our team recently had the opportunity to go to La Paz, Honduras and serve with The Filling Station. We spoke in 3 local schools, able to not only have fun singing songs and playing games with the kids but to present the gospel as well! We also had the chance to run a day camp at the feeding center for 3 days, have a youth night for the youth of the area, a community movie night where we showed “I Can Only Imagine,” and helped open the feeding center one night to feed the community. We praise the Lord for the opportunity to share the love of Christ with all those we ...

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By Kira Frank, CBM National Intern -   Ministering can be very exhausting, especially over a long period of time. In the past few months I’ve found myself just that way—exhausted. For some time I thought it was okay. I thought there was nothing I could really do about it, besides to just keep going, but that wasn’t the case. While serving at Camp Grace these past few months, I’ve learned how important it is to find my strength in Christ.   Many weeks this summer I would get halfway through a week of counseling and feel as though I couldn...

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An Amazing Summer

By Kalaya Beyer, CBM National Intern - God changed lives this summer, here at Ponderosa Bible Camp, not only the kids but also the staff. An event lead to my ultimate change of summer position. I prayed to God quite often to allow me to work directly with the campers this summer. I did not want to be in an office; I thought I'd do better with the campers than answering phones. I was finally content with being in the office when God said “Nope, you got what you wanted.” Yes, it might have been totally unexpected, but I was overjoyed. I don't think I have ever ...

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