An Amazing Summer
By Kalaya Beyer, CBM National Intern –
God changed lives this summer, here at Ponderosa Bible Camp, not only the kids but also the staff. An event lead to my ultimate change of summer position. I prayed to God quite often to allow me to work directly with the campers this summer. I did not want to be in an office; I thought I’d do better with the campers than answering phones. I was finally content with being in the office when God said “Nope, you got what you wanted.” Yes, it might have been totally unexpected, but I was overjoyed. I don’t think I have ever before experienced a prayer that was answered a day later. Still in awe over two months later.
So many children were saved this summer. SO many. I got to be with many amazing beautiful girls every week in my cabin. The first week, I didn’t have a clue what I was doing. I was so scared of messing up but I tried my best. It worked. I loved talking to them all about anything, helping them cut their food or helping them memorize their memory verses. I would get excited when they let Jesus into their hearts. I could see it in their hearts and their smile. Watching someone announce that they want Jesus to be the one they take all of their troubles and joys and questions to and put their total trust in made me cry tears of joy. I will never forget this summer.
On top of all of this, there were so many firsts for me! The first week of camp, my cabin got second in games for the week and, unbeknownst to me, I was picked to be pied. My hair smelled like chocolate for a few days and there was pudding in my ears for several days. I ate rattlesnake for the first time (it was great). I swam in a freezing cold river. I went white water rafting and squeezed through very tight spaces in Fat Man’s Squeeze and went on a very adventurous night hike. I worked in the kitchen for two weeks straight. I also got the nickname Sippy Cup, because I spilled my drink every meal for a week, and they gave me a sippy cup (which I also spilled). Now, instead of yelling spill, they yell my name.
I could go on and on and ON about the amazing summer I had but it would take too long. I will end with this: Always, always trust in God and listen to God when He says not to fear. I was so fearful when I arrived here, for no reason except for Satan’s lies. I was surrounded by the loving staff here at this camp. I grew by being around them. I made some amazing friends here. I had nothing to fear. God is with us always.
Edited by CBM National
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