31 results for tag: Christian internships

CBM Interns-Being the Captain

By CBM intern, Scott Carpenter - Here at CBM's New Life Camp in Raleigh NC, they have two different sports programs going on right now. One is their Storm Program, which is like high school sports for home-schooled kids. They run teams for both middle school and high school. The second program they are running at this time is their Next Level Basketball. This program is a league basketball for boys and girls, six to eighteen years old. Jerri and I have enjoyed watching the kids play basketball and soccer during our rotation this last month.   One of the many jobs we do during the games is being the field captains for ...

The Revolving Door

By CBM National intern, Jordan Mancari -  Do you ever feel like you’re going through a revolving door? For me that's my life most of the time. Here recently, I've seen God consistently opening doors I've tried to close, such as teaching and leading worship. It came to the point that I told myself God didn’t want me to do anything as far as teaching goes. Well, the more I tried to close that door, the more I saw God swing it right back open. It wasn’t necessarily that I wanted the door closed, it was that I was afraid. 1 John 4:18 (ESV) says, “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with ...

Where Two or More are Gathered

By CBM National intern, Stephanie Schwan - Hello friends, family, supporters, and online strangers! It's my first blog post as a CBM intern! Hip, hip, huzzah! I can't believe that as I write this we've been in the internship two and a half months already. The other interns and I have been busy taking Bible classes (we've had Ethics, Apologetics, and Evangelism so far; a survey of the Old Testament is coming up next), cleaning cabins (Groupon season is upon us, which means lots and lots of guests), helping out with a local church's youth ministry, traveling to and helping at other CBM camps, assisting with events here at the Tuckaleechee Retreat ...

Be Strong and Courageous, and Act

By CBM National intern, Paly Daly -  Solomon was born to be the King who built the Lord’s temple. He was given incredible riches, imperial status, and supernatural wisdom to accomplish this task from God. Recently, Solomon has become a character of interest to me. His books fascinate me, his words are always inspiring and thought-provoking, and his deeds are incredible. Probably the greatest story I’ve read featuring Solomon, however, isn’t about something he said or did, but something his father, David said to him. Then David said to his son Solomon, “Be strong and courageous, and act; do not fear nor be dismayed, for the Lord God, ...

New Adventures and Beautiful Faces

By CBM National interns, Scott and Jerri Carpenter - As CBM National interns, we get to travel a lot. I think we all love that we are getting to go to a new place, but not all of us love the driving portion of it. No matter what we are doing, even driving, we do it all for the glory of God! During these long trips (or even sometimes the short ones) conversations are had, thoughts are processed, and/or prayers are belted out. With us (Scott and Jerri), we get to do all of these things together! Why not take advantage of this awesome time God has given us? Sometimes the conversations are fun and bubbly , and other times, they are more ...