50 results for tag: cbm internship program

CBM Intern – Important things

By CBM National intern, Joseph Kirkland - Traveling is probably one of the best ways to learn about the world and the people in it. You get to learn how others think, how others learn, and how big the world really is. The earth is 24,901 miles around at its widest point, and it would take around 33 hours to get around it at the speed of sound. If you were to walk 5 miles every day, you would walk around the world in 4,960 days, given that you could walk on water. The cost to travel around the world would be around $2,800, and would take around 6 days if flying by average commercial airline. You can go any reasonable place in the world for ...

CBM Intern – New Places with Great Changes

By CBM National intern, Jamie Carpenter -  A year ago, I never thought I would be where I am today (quite literally, who would have known I would ever live in Tennessee?!). The Lord has brought me through so much within these last twelve months and I am forever thankful to Him for that. I was so unsure about beginning CBM’s National Internship, just because I was afraid and I did not have any idea what to expect. My first day here in Townsend was pretty chill because I got here at 8 AM and everyone else wasn’t supposed to arrive until later that afternoon. Being alone all day gave me plenty of time to think and spend some much-needed ...

CBM Intern – A Servant’s Heart

By CBM National intern,  Cati Watts - Coming into CBM’s National Internship, I knew I would learn a lot but I had no idea how much. One of the first things I learned is that in ministry you do a lot of cleaning. As a National Intern, I am learning to clean just about everything! Dishes, toilets, floors, office spaces, baseboards; you name it, I have cleaned it! I never realized how important even just getting a table wiped off can be to the ministry. When I was growing up and would complain about cleaning, my mom would often quote Colossians 3:23-24, which says, “And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing ...

CBM Intern – It Doesn’t End Here

By CBM National intern, Jordan Mancari -  It's hard for me to believe, that by the time you read this I will have completed the CBM National Internship. It's been a great journey and God has blessed me in so many various ways. In this blog, I'm going to briefly share some of the things God has taught me at my different rotations. Months at CBM HQ During my 4 months of training at CBM HQ, one of the biggest things God taught me was to fully rely on Him. My biggest fear coming into the internship was raising support for our post-summer mission trip to Moldova. However, God gave me an overwhelming peace, and told me to put ...

CBM National Intern – But God Can!

By CBM National intern, Andrew Willis -  Well this is it! The last blog for the internship! It's the bottom of the 9th and I'm running hard as I'm rounding 3rd base! I have two more classes to teach in December. The rest of the time is office work and stuffing about 1,500 letters. I'm hanging in there to finish out strong. Just like Hebrews 12:1 says, "Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us." I can't take it easy just because this CBM National internship is coming to a ...