CBM National Intern – But God Can!

By CBM National intern, Andrew Willis – 


Well this is it! The last blog for the internship! It’s the bottom of the 9th and I’m running hard as I’m rounding 3rd base! I have two more classes to teach in December. The rest of the time is office work and stuffing about 1,500 letters. I’m hanging in there to finish out strong. Just like Hebrews 12:1 says, “Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.” I can’t take it easy just because this CBM National internship is coming to a close for me. We should give 100% in everything that we do whether it is the beginning, middle or end. I’m not going to focus on what lies ahead for me; instead, I’m going to share how the internship has been a blessing to me.
Just signing up for the internship took a lot of faith on my part, and I thank God that He gave me the faith and strength to do it. I could not have done this without God. I had no idea how I was going to raise money for support, the mission trip, food, gas, and pay my bills. But God gave me a verse that encouraged me to trust Him to provide. That verse was Jeremiah 33:3, “Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.” I knew that if this was God’s will, He would provide me with everything I needed. This is just one of God’s many promises from His Word and I can testify that you can take Him at His word! I’m not just talking about the financial situations though. I felt unequipped, untrained, unfit, and just useless to the ministry when I first started out here; but so did Moses when God asked him to talk to Pharaoh. That story was a huge encouragement to me as well. God definitely taught me to trust in Him more throughout this internship. He placed the perfect people in my life at the perfect time to help teach me the lessons He had for my life.
I thank God that He put the leaders in CBM in my life. I couldn’t have made it this far without them. They have all been a blessing to me, teaching me in the first four months of training and along the way from camp to camp. They taught me how to study, prepare, teach, look professional (still working on that), and how to defend my faith. I can go on but I won’t. They were there for me all year long, reminding me that I was never alone for a moment. I would say that the biggest support God has provided me with is the friends that I have made along the way. They were always there to encourage me to keep going, to put the wind in my sails when I got tired or felt down, and to remind me who I serve. I remember what Mr. Dave from Camp Ta-Pa-Win-Go told me right before I started in the internship. He said “If you want God’s will in your life, then just keep moving towards Him and don’t ever get to a point that you are standing still.”
I recently became aware of a book that is titled “…But God Can.” The title alone speaks truth and is captivating to me. I really hope I get the chance to read it one day. I want to end this blog as an encouragement to others who may be considering the CBM National Internship. Of course, the first thing to do is to constantly pray. Then, if God is calling you into it, go for it and He will see you through. However, that doesn’t mean you can lay back and let God do all the work. You still have to do your part, but God will make sure that you are equipped to handle the obstacles and trials that are to come. Let these two verses be an encouragement to you, Colossians 3:23 and 24, which say, “And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men. Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.”
If you come into the internship, make sure you’re ready to give it your best and that it’s for God’s glory. Though you may encounter a challenge that you can’t seem to overcome, just remember, you can’t…but God can!

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