5 Reasons You Should Apply for the CBM Internship Even if You Already Have a Degree

Written by Ryanne Stout - My name is Ryanne and I was in the 1st team of interns with Children's Bible Ministries. It was a life changing experience and I’m so grateful for my time in the CBM Internship Program. One of the things that made me hesitant to apply for this internship was that I went to Liberty University and studied Ministry. I sat under some of the leading professors in the US, taking ministry focused classes, and I did a ministry internship while I was there. So why do CBM’s internship? These are the top 5 reasons I would recommend the CBM ...

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9 Reasons you should be a part of Team #9

Written by CBM Intern Alumni (Alumterns) - Hello upcoming graduate. Yep, I am speaking to you again. I wanted to share a few reasons I think you should be a CBM National Intern.  But don’t take my word for it! I want you to hear from those who have been through the program. So, here are 9 reasons you should be a part of Team #9, from the perspective of CBM Intern Alumni (Alumterns).       1. Your family will expand - Jerri Carpenter There are so many wonderful reasons to become a CBM Intern. My favorite reason is because you get to expand your family. You gain ...

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A Note to the Parents

Written by Jacquelyn Davis, National Intern Coordinator - Hello parents and grandparents! This blog is for you. We often write from the interns’ perspective, and usually to prospective interns, but today I want to write to all the parents, grandparents, friends and family members of those prospective interns. Maybe you are looking at the internship page because you think it would something you would like your son or daughter to do. Maybe it is because they have mentioned the program and are interested in it themselves. Or maybe you're lost in the vast space we call ...

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How Do I Know?

Written by Jacquelyn Davis, National Intern Coordinator - So, you’re graduating. Congratulations! I bet a few things you are sick of hearing are, “What are you doing with your life?” “Have you decided on a college?” “What do you plan to major in?” This time of your life is all about planning for the future and making big decisions. Few people tell you that these decisions are really like every other decision you will face in your life, and those decisions will just keep coming, the older you get. It can seem overwhelming, and slightly terrifying, this ...

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