4 Ways to Control a Classroom

By Dr. Mark Redka 4 Ways to Control a Classroom When I was 17, I was asked to teach the 5th grade boys’ Sunday School class. I was handed a lesson manual but got no instruction.   I’m not sure what happened to the last teacher but, after a week or two, I suspected either a nervous breakdown or the boys had killed him off.  I tried everything to gain control but it was a battle every week. That continued even when I taught Junior Church while in Bible school. “Okay Billy, take your chair and sit in the hallway.”  Billy was once again ...

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Blooming Under Stress

By Elizabeth Price, CBM National intern - In mid-September of 2018, Hurricane Florence ravaged the Carolinas, leaving disaster in its wake. Our town of Dillon, SC was greatly affected with flooding, though not as bad as some of our surrounding areas. Despite all the tragedy that has occurred, one interesting phenomena resulted from the storm; the Bradford Pear trees came back in bloom. The local meteorologist gave this explanation on his Facebook page: “...stress of any kind, such as slow-moving Florence, can trigger blooming. Apparently it’s a tree’s ...

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Support-Based Missions: Is there validity and a biblical basis?

By Jacquelyn Davis, National Intern Coordinator - If you follow Social Media, you might have noticed that November 27th is known as #GivingTuesday. Around here, being a mission organization that trains, equips and sends out missionaries, you can imagine how often the topic of giving or support comes up. Since Giving Tuesday is upon us, I decided it was about time to write this blog post answering the question, “What exactly is support-based missions and why is it important?” Support-based missions is when an individual or family is financially supported by ...

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Following God’s Leadership

By Ryan Everritt, CBM National Intern - I am on my last rotation at Camp Red Arrow and then will be graduating from the year-long Internship program. This is not, however, the end of my journey. I may not want to be a full-time Children's Bible Ministry staff member, unless it's what God wants. Still, I want to go make disciples of many nations, as it says in Matthew 28:19 (ESV), "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”  As those are the words of Christ's command, I have such a ...

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Loving God by Loving Your Brother

By Adam Lowry, CBM National Intern - Now that I'm near the end of my internship, one thing that I've seen from each of the camps I've gone to, is brotherly, godly love. The staff has treated me as one of them, to the point that I could feel God through them. Love is seen all over in the Bible, since the beginning of time. Because God loved us first, He has shown us how to love and given us examples of His love. The greatest example God’s of love is the story of Jesus Christ. Since the very beginning of the Bible, God has shown His love to man. Even though He ...

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