Mailbox Lessons

By Barb Shearer and Liane Lindauer What a privilege it is to grade Mailbox Club Bible lessons. If you’re not familiar with the program, allow me to explain. It is correspondence lessons that students do through the mail (‘snail mail’). They read a lesson then answer questions about it. They mail in the answer sheet, it is graded and recorded. Then they are mailed more lessons. Each course has an average of twelve lessons. Upon completion, the student gets a certificate. At our camp they also get a coupon that is good for $60 off their summer camp price! I ...

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The Gospel through Fishing:

 A Testimony from Mark Barnes Mark Barnes has been a part of CBM’s founding camp (Camp Gilead) since 2007. What a blessing it is to partner with other believers and missionaries to teach children the gospel and get them excited about missions. Last summer alone (2019) God used the ministry of Camp Gilead to lead 81 children to the Lord. One unique way they reach kids with the gospel is through fishing camps! Here is a testimony from Mark Barnes of how God has used him to help Camp Gilead reach hundreds of kids with the gospel of Christ every summer. My ...

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Preach, Pray, or Die

By Maria Van Der Decker I still remember one of the first times I brought Jotham home (as my fiancé at the time). We were partway through missionary training, and we visited my home church. It was our Christmas service, which we call Wassail night, and my pastor was getting to know Jotham, giving him a hard time, and was soon to start premarital counseling with us. This evening, he came up to Jotham and informed him that he'd be doing special music that night, singing in a quartet with 3 other guys who were recently engaged to or dating other girls in the church. ...

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What Missionaries Really Want for Christmas

By Jacquelyn Davis With the Christmas season upon us, it is once again time to think about others, spend time with loved ones, and be joyful in life's small moments. How does missions fit into the holiday season? I mean besides the shoeboxes of toys, and the change we throw into the metal bucket hanging by the somewhat gloomy Santa who is unenthusiastically ringing a bell outside the grocery store. Missions is so much greater than one month of the year and random pocket change. (That seems to get smaller each year because who on earth carries cash with them ...

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Turning Difficult Students into Great Students

By Todd Witters “Johnny!  I need you to sit down and face forward!” “Billy!  I should be the only one talking.” “Marie, I’m moving you.  Sit over there by Mrs. Glumbottom.” “Susan, I’m not going to ask you again.” We’ve all been there. We have all been “blessed” by students in our Released Time classes who, for various reasons, make our jobs difficult. We’ve tried everything to bring order from chaos– bribes, threats, pleading, assigned seats and docking points–but nothing seems to work. Why must they be ...

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