140 results for author: Author

Seeing God’s Hand in Creation

By Ron and Sherry Yeater Quillford made his way along the hedge on his regular search for food. The stillness of the night was broken by a squeaky hinge on the screen door. Quillford stopped in his tracks and listened. Sure enough, he heard the approach of Barky who was out for his final night run. Barky quickly searched the yard and found Quillford’s scent near the hedge. Barky had tried to catch him before but this time he felt that he was really close. Yes, there he was! Just one quick bite and then…ooowww, yelp, yelp, whine. Quillford had heard him coming and quickly rolled up in a tight ball with only his sharp quills pointing ...

S.O.A.P.ing: An Easy Way to Teach Children How to Study the Bible

By Ladonna Andreu Do you apply soap when you take a bath or shower? Sure you do. But why?  It seems logical, to many, that the answer is: Soap makes you clean because it takes away the dirt you pick up all throughout the day. But do you know that many campers believe that swimming in the lake makes them clean? Yes, they are in the water for a LONG time AND they use a towel to dry off.  So, why isn’t this acceptable? “It is one thing to simply read God’s Word.  But what happens when you slow down and really read it? Words can start ‘bubbling’ off the page and speak to you.” These questions and answers seem so ...

Learning Excellence on a Lawn Mower

Written by Wesley Grizzard What can I learn from sitting on a lawn mower you ask? Well, you came to the right place. I’m going to give you several things that you can learn from being on a lawn mower. Reasons that stretch from simply knowing how to drive one, to how to stripe those yards like a pro! Buckle up because here we go folks!  First off, it’s zero turns people! Nearly everyone these days uses a zero turn! Zero turns (given the right brand) are finely tuned grass cutting machines! They go backwards, they go forwards, they turn 360’s while staying in one spot, hence the name zero turn. When sitting on one, you have your ...

Lessons Learned as a Camp Counselor

Written by Nate Smith I had no clue what I was getting myself into that first summer I served as a camp counselor. I grew up near Tampa, FL and had never been to a camp before. My best friend suggested I apply to the camp where he had been accepted to work, so I did…And a short time later, I received a call from the camp director informing me I had the job. I was excited to be working all summer with my best friend and traveling to a new place. Lesson Learned: Stepping into the unknown is simply that, the unknown, and you’ll never know what is there until you take that first step. The camp was located in South Alabama near the Florida ...

What I Learned While Watching the Cows Graze

By Katlyn Carney, Team #9 Intern Have you ever just stood there and watched the cows graze? Imagine yourself with your arms crossed on top of a wooden fence. Now, lay your chin on your crossed arms. Picture yourself looking out into a beautiful green pasture that ends just as the perfect blue sky begins, watching the cows graze, lay down, and do it all over again. You feel the wind blow against your face, maybe smell something not so delightful. You watch that perfect blue sky start changing into majestic colors as the sun starts to set. Still… the cows are grazing.  “So, if the cows can praise Him, why can’t we?” Have you ...