S.O.A.P.ing: An Easy Way to Teach Children How to Study the Bible
By Ladonna Andreu
Do you apply soap when you take a bath or shower? Sure you do. But why? It seems logical, to many, that the answer is: Soap makes you clean because it takes away the dirt you pick up all throughout the day. But do you know that many campers believe that swimming in the lake makes them clean? Yes, they are in the water for a LONG time AND they use a towel to dry off. So, why isn’t this acceptable?
These questions and answers seem so silly. But kids (and some teens) like to apply the method of “as little effort as possible” into their lifestyle, expecting to get long lasting and acceptable results.
At Camp Gilead, we do talk about acceptable levels of hygiene for the body but also for the soul. During devotions, our staff and campers are taught this acronym for S.O.A.P.
SCRIPTURE: Read a verse or passage of Scripture.
OBSERVATION: Write down interesting facts or points you see in this Scripture.
APPLICATION: Ask yourself, “How does this apply to my life?” For younger kids ask, “What will you do today because of what you read?” Let them fill in the blank, “I Will __________ today.”
PRAYER: Ask God to help you!
It is one thing to simply read God’s Word. But what happens when you slow down and really read it? Words can start ‘bubbling’ off the page and speak to you. By SOAPing verses, you are able to dig deeper into scripture and ‘see’ more than if you simply read the verses and went on your way.
Take the time to S.O.A.P. God’s Word and see for yourself how much more “fresh” your daily reading can be. You will be amazed!!! Written by Ladonna Andreu, serving as an after school Bible club teacher and guest group coordinator at Camp Gilead. To learn more about Camp Gilead’s Bible Clubs, Summer Camp Program or their Guest Groups visit their website: https://www.campgilead.com
Views: 1872
Bob Carver
February 19, 2019 (6:02 pm)
Wonderful observation and lesson, Ladonna. The acrostic sure is simple and easy to remember. May many be helped by your wise words.
February 23, 2019 (12:58 pm)
LaDonna, thanks for explaining this so clearly so we can share it. SOAPing is so easy and so beneficial. If children can do it, adults can too! I’m going to put a notebook (aka SOAP journal) near where I drink coffee in the morning.
March 17, 2019 (10:13 pm)
LOVE it! Thank you!