Centered Around Christ- CBM’s three C’s

  Lately people want to know more about Children’s Bible Ministries. Our main focus is to help children learn about Jesus Christ. We do this in a number of ways. We call this the three C’s, Classes, Correspondence lessons and Camps. One of the 3 C’s is Classroom: This is known a “released time.”  Students are pulled from an elective (so that no learning can be taken away from core subjects) and are taught the Bible truths.  This can be done through a Bible felt board with characters that give kids a visual as to what happened in the Bible.  Some ...

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Free Children Bible Lessons- and a Red Neck Pillow Thingy

As we focus on the holidays, it is that time that reminds us about qualities like Thankfulness. That was the subject in the Released Time classes in Alabama. The newsletter wrote they were teaching the kids lessons on express gratitude to others and to God for the things they received. They shared the history of God’s rescue of the children of Israel for slavery in Egypt, and the crossing of the Red Sea. In one class one of the teachers asked what did God put in front of the Jews to lead them out of Egypt. One little boy correctly said that it was a pillar of cloud. ...

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Kindness- the Golden Rule

Some years back, a family was out for an evening stroll around the block.  The mother was pushing her baby girl in a stroller and her 3-year-old son was toddling along next to them. In the preceding days, the family had talked about the dangers of cigarette smoking, so the topic was fresh on the 3 year-olds mind. As they came around the corner of the street, we saw a neighbor acquaintance out on her porch. She was smoking a cigarette. Before the mother could wave hello, her little son yelled out, "You're gonna die!" She was speechless; the mother was mortified. ...

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The Lord Determines Our Steps

How many times has your day not turned out the way you thought it would? Proverbs 16:9 says “We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.” This verse took on a very real meaning on this past September trip to Kenya. Plans were made to visit five public schools with the Gospel message, but because of a nationwide teachers strike, there was no school. God had a different plan for this trip. You see, God had to rearrange my schedule so that I could come face to face with a man that needed to accept Christ and had just one chance left. Tausi drowned from ...

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What We Do Will Vibrate Through Eternity

Carolyn King, Director of CBM in Maryland went to be with the Lord this past October. She will be greatly missed by all of us. We will treasure memories of her always. Reading the newsletter from Maryland this month, I am touched by one of her legacies that will live on through her the summer missionary intern program. She, along with others has taught many young adults how to share the Gospel with children. This report is from one the summer missionary interns young adults: From Talyah asking, “Why does God always yell when everybody’s in church?” to a ...

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