Centered Around Christ- CBM’s three C’s
Lately people want to know more about Children’s Bible Ministries. Our main focus is to help children learn about Jesus Christ. We do this in a number of ways. We call this the three C’s, Classes, Correspondence lessons and Camps.
One of the 3 C’s is Classroom: This is known a “released time.” Students are pulled from an elective (so that no learning can be taken away from core subjects) and are taught the Bible truths. This can be done through a Bible felt board with characters that give kids a visual as to what happened in the Bible. Some workers (teachers) also use puppets, games and other tools to bring the lesson to life. Rewards and certificates to camp are given to those that memorize scriptures and are an effective way to motivated kids to learn Bible truths.
According to the US Dept. of Education, you may be able to go off campus to have religious studies during school hours. It has long been established that schools have the discretion to dismiss students to off-premises religious instruction, provided that schools do not encourage or discourage participation in such instruction or penalize students for attending or not attending.
This in essences is released time, and the children love it and so do parents. Since parents must give permission for their children to participate in released time, they are the ones who determine the types of classes that are established.
Now that you know more about our first C, classes, and if you want to learn more about Children’s Bible Ministries, Contact our office. We are always ready to share our mission to point kids and families to saving faith.
Next post we will talk about the second C, which is correspondence lessons.
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