31 results for tag: Christian internship

CBM Intern – Why I Do What I Do

CBM National intern, Timmy Martens -  This is what my typical day looks like as a CBM National Intern on rotation at Ponderosa Bible Camp: I usually wake up pretty early, and me being a night owl does not make this easy! Regardless, I force myself to my feet sometime before6:50am and try to beat the TEAM (Teens Excited About Ministry) members to the dining hall. If you don't know, TEAM members play a huge part in Ponderosa Bible Camp's Ministry. They do all the grunt work, like kitchen cleaning, dishwashing, and maintaining the grounds. This summer, I'm one of their leaders, so in the mornings, I need to make sure  they're pr...

CBM intern – How God Will Use My Past Experiences for His Glory?

By CBM National intern, Andrew Willis - I'm one who loves to dwell on the past and my memories, but sometimes I wonder how God will use some of my past experiences for His glory. I left off my last blog with hopes of going to a friend's wedding. Soon after that, I found out that my CBM National Intern Coordinator had talked to the camp director at Camp Gilead (my summer rotation) and I would be able to go. I thought I would be going as a guest, with no stress or responsibilities, and I was ready to embrace a peaceful evening of relaxation...I was wrong. I got there 2 hours early and Katie's mom (Leslie) asked if I minded helping ...

CBM National Intern- Being a Servant Leader

CBM National intern, Devyn Polk -    One thing I never thought I’d be is a leader. I like to follow and work behind the scenes, but not lead! Yet, God’s plan always prevails. “Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.” ~Proverbs 19:21 This summer, as a CBM National Intern at Camp Ta-Pa-Win-Go, I am the Junior Staff Coordinator. I am in charge of the Junior Staff girls. We clean up after the meals, clean the gym, chapel, bathrooms, etc. “…Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant.” ~Matthew 20:26 God is teaching me to be a servant leader. I ...

CBM Intern – The Wrong Place at the Wrong Time

By CBM National intern, Jordan Mancari Have you ever felt like you’re constantly in the wrong place at the wrong time? For me, this was most of my life; I was constantly asking “What’s next? Where do I go from here?” It wasn’t until I got older that I really began to know the meaning of what I was asking. Ruth 1:16 (ESV) says, “But Ruth said, ‘Do not urge me to leave you or to return from following you. For where you go I will go, and where you lodge I will lodge. Your people shall be my people and your God my God.’”  Ruth’s desire was mine as I got closer to graduating high school and looking for that next step. ...

He’s Still Working on Me

By CBM National intern,  Stephanie Schwan - Hello again, friends! I can't believe I'm already out on my first rotation as a CBM National Intern!  For so long it seemed so far away, but now, here I am at New Life Camp in Raleigh, NC,all settled in and working with the other staff, getting geared up for summer camp.  Excitement is in the air! Here at New Life, things run like clockwork.  There's a system for everything, from answering calls to setting up chairs to doing laundry.  The staff here are super organized in all respects, and I'm about as organized as a toddler's toy chest (assuming the toys ever made it into the chest in the ...