Giving My Heart to the Lord, Every Last Bit (Literally)
By CBM National Intern, Ryanne Stout-
We are almost finished with the summer at Camp Victory, with our last of 9 weeks camp weeks taking place now. I find myself wearing many different hats during a week of camp, like most of the full-time staff and summer staff. Some of my various jobs are: Breakfast Assistant, Evening Laundry Folder, Snow Cone Maker, and Assistant to the Techie (mostly making coffee, taking pictures, and changing batteries in the microphones). The hat I wear the most, which happens to be my favorite, is Horse Lady. I get to feed, groom, and train the 11 ...
When Ministry Isn’t my Shape – Lessons in flexibility and community
By CBM National Intern, Ryanne Stout
When God created mankind He made every one of us different. He gave us each different things that make us tick. Even when I think I’ve found someone just like me, I soon discover the many differences that separate us. My friend Betsy and I have the same taste in food. I frequently ask her what her favorite dish is at a restaurant new to me, but where she’s already been. Tori (one of CBM’s other National Interns) and I like the same things. I always laugh when we find yet another common interest. Amy (from my current rotation at ...
Finding a Calling – Horse Ministry
By CBM National Intern, Ryanne
It’s amazing to think about how God brought me to this place. A year ago I was pursuing working in a church in a different state; camp ministry wasn’t even close to being on my radar. God used one phone call to change my whole life. Not only has He given me a new direction, but He has also given me a clear calling and vision for what He is asking me to do -- horse ministry. I am not a visionary. I have always been the one who looks at someone else’s big picture and sees all of the little details that have to happen to make that ...