
By Kira Frank, CBM National Intern -   Ministering can be very exhausting, especially over a long period of time. In the past few months I’ve found myself just that way—exhausted. For some time I thought it was okay. I thought there was nothing I could really do about it, besides to just keep going, but that wasn’t the case. While serving at Camp Grace these past few months, I’ve learned how important it is to find my strength in Christ.   Many weeks this summer I would get halfway through a week of counseling and feel as though I couldn...

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My Whole Heart

By Kira Frank, CBM National Intern - In the past few weeks I have had the opportunity to serve at Camp Victory in Southern Alabama. It is a great place. Before I even arrived, I had a prayer for my time here. I prayed that I would learn what it looked like to love God wholeheartedly. A prayer that I was afraid of, in a way, but one I knew would be vital to knowing God’s will and direction in my life. I was reading in Isaiah 6 about Isaiah’s vision of God and I was able to sort of get a glimpse of God’s glory, well, His holiness. I began to think about the ...

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He is Always Faithful

By Kira Frank, CBM National Intern - While here at Camp Gilead, God has taught me so much. He is definitely working at this camp. One thing that He has reminded me of is His great faithfulness. Through scripture and the lives of others He has revealed this truth continually. Even in the hardest circumstances, He is still faithful. I’m so thankful for this because I can look ahead into the unknown of my future and know, no matter what awaits me, I am sure that He will always be faithful. What a blessing. This led me to think: Why is He faithful to us, continua...

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