GAP Stands for- God Answers Prayers!
We can look to the future with hope, because we know that God never leaves us or forsakes us.
This is one of my favorite acronyms to pull out in a pinch. It is a simple reminder that my Heavenly Father is always a pray away, He is waiting to hear from me in the times when I need Him the most.
But what about the times when everything is not turned up side down like a roller coaster loop. Do we forget Him and go on our merry way. Or do we invite Him to be with us always. Do we have an awareness that He is there in our lives? Is the line of communication open so we ...
Being Generous
Being Generous is being willing and happy to share what you have with others. Generous people
think about what they can GIVE instead of what they can GET. The Word of God says in 2 Corinthians
9:7, “God loves a cheerful giver.”
Have you ever thought something like this? “It’s my money and I’m going to spend it all on me.” “I
deserve the biggest piece of cake!” “Since I’m on vacation I don’t have to obey my parents.” Who are you thinking about? YOU! Selfish thoughts like these show others that you are only thinking about you can get and not ...
Who Ate My Candy Bar?
Last week I had dinner with a family and then after dinner I was treated to an evening of touring some of the country side of Southwestern Pennsylvania. One of the stops took us to Canonsburg, PA, to a Chocolate Factory and Ice Cream Parlour called Sarris. WOW! I never saw so much chocolate all in one place. As I sipped my Coke in the Ice Cream parlour we listened to the old player piano that sat in the corner of the shop. What a treat to have such a lovely evening with my friend, Bert! As we were crossing the street from Sarris’ Roberta handed me a dark chocolate ...
Why Are Bible Devotions For Kids Important?
Working at different camps over the past few years, I've seen some interesting responses to the presentation of the Gospel. What I've discovered when talking with some campers is that they really don't know much about the Bible, God, or why one needs salvation. After an encounter with one twelve year old determined not to believe in God, I saw a need to go back to the beginning, telling who God is, what the Bible is, why we need salvation, and why Jesus had to die. As we progressed through the Bible in cabin devotions, I was surprised to get confused questions from some ...