GAP Stands for- God Answers Prayers!

boyprayingbiblelgcrop.jpgWe can look to the future with hope, because we know that God never leaves us or forsakes us.

This is one of my favorite acronyms to pull out in a pinch. It is a simple reminder that my Heavenly Father is always a pray away, He is waiting to hear from me in the times when I need Him the most.

But what about the times when everything is not turned up side down like a roller coaster loop. Do we forget Him and go on our merry way. Or do we invite Him to be with us always. Do we have an awareness that He is there in our lives?  Is the line of communication open so we can experience the peace and joy of living?

He wants to be with us all the time. like a friend. Think, how did you start your friendships?
You spent time together nurturing the relationship. You did things together, and you talked to each other.
With close trusted  friends, you take it further and shared your dreams and thoughts.
You then listened and care in your heart.

That is the way God wants to be with us. He wants us to be sure he will answer the prayers even before we ask in the GAP for SOS situations.

What joy it is to know He is with us in the bad times and the good times of our lives.
So how do you get to that relationship point? Here are 3 tips to share.

1. Be still and know that I am God.  Take the time to quietly read, talk and listen to God.
This is the most important thing that you can do. Set aside a block of time to spend with God. Think of it as an appointment that is something that can’t be postponed or rescheduled. This is a special time that will change the course of your life. Look forward to this time joyfully, expecting great things to happen.

2. Be aware of His presence in your life. Throughout the day, stop and enjoy the treasures that your Heavenly Father has put in your life. Look at the sunset, your sweet pet, your joyful children, the flowers in your office space etc. and thank Him. He is with you always and whispering His love for you in your ear. Just receive it.

3. Thank Him for the little things in your life. Strawberry Sundays piled high with whipped cream, that smile from your friend, the clean water we can have anytime of day, the blanket that keeps you warm in the cold night. etc.
Gratitude raises you up as you take the time to see all the gifts He has placed in your life. Thank Him for the answered prayers  and for what He is doing right now in your life. Remember, GAP- God Answers Prayers!

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