We can look to the future with hope, because we know that God never leaves us or forsakes us.
This is one of my favorite acronyms to pull out in a pinch. It is a simple reminder that my Heavenly Father is always a pray away, He is waiting to hear from me in the times when I need Him the most.
But what about the times when everything is not turned up side down like a roller coaster loop. Do we forget Him and go on our merry way. Or do we invite Him to be with us always. Do we have an awareness that He is there in our lives? Is the line of communication open so we can experience the peace and joy of living?
He wants to be with us all the ...
Over the Christmas break I had the privilege of visiting one of our senior veteran missionaries who lives in an assisted living home in Florida. While walking through the halls with Miss Anne we stopped to visit one of her dear friends with whom she visits weekly and sometimes daily to talk to. You see, her friend can no longer communicate in an audible voice but she can communicate with her eyes.
Her eyes light up when Miss Anne entered the room and said hello. They light up again when Miss Anne assured her of God’s love through John 3:16 and of His promise of being our great shepherd as she recited Psalm 23. What a heart of compassion Miss ...