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FROM THE VAULT: Jehovah Jireh

Introduction Written by Jacquelyn Davis One of the most amazing things about being a part of missions is getting to see firsthand the provision of God. There are so many aspects of God’s provision, and I want to point out a few of them today, to remind ourselves of the goodness of our God.            1. God intimately and intentionally provides. It blows me away to think that God, the all-knowing, all-powerful, creator of the universe cares deeply enough to understand my needs and wants. Our Father truly desires to give us good things and, as James tells us, “every good and perfect gift comes from above.” There are ...

Teens in Camping Ministry

by Jan Richoux Teen ministry is an exciting, fast paced, drama filled experience. It is rewarding to see teens from Christian homes take the faith of their parents and make it their own through developing a quiet time, and through practical service, while sharing with other teens. There are a few times when young Christians from non-believing homes come and are nurtured in their faith. A Christian camp is an excellent venue to mentor and train high school students. There is something about living among other Christians in a camp setting, rather than just the one to two hours spent in church on a Sunday morning. Life examples of dedicated ...

Will I Stay? (What to do when missions gets difficult.)

by Gracia Burnham   Stay?  Or leave?  Well, let’s see.   It might be good to remember the reason we got into this “job” in the first place.  God’s truth is so glorious that it MUST be shared.  We know the only solution to the sin and death problem that plagues mankind!  The need of man will never change–and the answer remains the same.  Jesus said, “Go.  And I will be with you!”  So, we go! Missionaries are real humans who experience life just like everyone else.  They aren’t super heroes as they are often portrayed by “the folks back home.”  And I don’t think that any of us go into ministry thinking ...

I Can Serve God With My Hands

Written by Christella Ledford, Team #11 There are approximately 458 Bible verses that contain the word “hands.” It is interesting to read the many stories that involve how hands can be used: some for evil and some for good. This subject must be important to God, whether He is instructing us, discipling us, or loving us. He tells us to work with our hands and to present that work to Him for His approval. We see the humility of Jesus using His hands to break the bread, serve the wine, and wash the feet of His disciples, and by performing miracle after miracle by feeding the multitudes, healing the sick, and raising the dead. We should strive ...

Thanks and Giving

Written by Bob Johnson   The Bible has a lot to say about the two words in the title, and both are used to get the work of God done in the world today. Money can be a friend or foe while trying to live our lives in a godly manner. Money can be used by God to get His work done here on earth. It can also be used by Satan to get Christians off track. The love of money has taken many Christians off of their original vision of reaching lost people.   As Christians, we need to wear out the word “thanks” or “thank you.” I Thessalonians 5:18 says, “In everything give thanks.” I think even Jesus, in Luke 17:17, was a ...