140 results for author: Author

FROM THE VAULT: The Importance of Mothers

[From the editor] If you do a quick search on the internet for the history of Mother’s Day, you will be told that mothers were celebrated as far back in history as the Greek and Roman times. A tradition started in 16th century England, known as Mothering Sunday, when Christians would return to their “Mother Church,” has slowly changed into a day to celebrate mothers. It is commonly celebrated 3 weeks before Easter in the United Kingdom and former British colonies (Canada, Australia, etc.). Most modern Mother’s Day celebrations, however, have their root in America. Several women in the late 1800s called for a day for mothers to be recogni...

15 Things to do in Your Backyard

By Elizabeth Price As a stay at home mom of three, this pandemic has not really impacted our day-to-day life too much. And my kids are 4 years, 2 years, and 3 months old, so they don’t have any idea of what’s going on. Thankfully, the weather is warming up, so we can at least spend a lot of our time outside in this time of isolation. We don’t have a lot of space in our backyard, but we utilize the space we have and we always have fun. Here are some things we do and maybe you can too!        1. Have a picnic It doesn’t matter what time of the year it is, if the sun is shining and it’s relatively warm outside, you will find me ...

Burdened for Others

By Greg Burton   We had a party at our home in London to both celebrate my 50th birthday (no comments please) and also to celebrate our family being in London for 1 year! More than a few times that night I stood back and marveled at the Lord's provision as the room was filled with friends that just one year ago we hadn’t even met! There were neighbors, home school families, guys I coach with, church friends, and others whom, in just one year, we had broken bread with, laughed with, cried with, and built relationships with. But what moves us the most are the friends in our home that night who do not follow Jesus.   In this ...

Establishing Healthy Rhythms in the Midst of Chaos

By Brittany Burton   Regardless of whether your kids go to public or private school or if you've always homeschooled, all of us are entering a season that is unprecedented due to COVID-19.  Most likely you have been bombarded by lists of resources, digital learning platforms, Instagram live sessions, etc. that you can fill your time with while your children are home from school.  I’m so glad that many online companies are offering their services free of charge.  Being the homebody that I am, I could easily sit and take course after course, catch up on some podcasts, watch musicians play free gigs, and listen to authors read their ...

A Tiny Micro-Organism Can Stop the World!

Written by Scott Brinson, presented in his newsletter dated September 2001   I believe the lesson Jesus would have us learn whenever we’re confronted with unexpected and often unexplainable events that cause us to hurt and to grieve and to ask why, is this: Rather than focusing on the circumstances themselves and speculating about what may have caused them or what could have been done to prevent them, realize that God is far more interested in our response to the situation than in our understanding the reasons for it.  His desire is for us to say, “Father, what would You have ME to do?  How do You want me to change as a result of ...