32 results for tag: Ministry

Overcoming When You’re Overwhelmed in Ministry

Written by Jamie Simmons We’re in an exciting new era! “Exciting?” you may ask. Absolutely! As God’s chosen people who are to proclaim His Word until He comes, we must be not only willing to follow Him in obedience wherever He may lead, but to do it with joy! Jesus, “for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross” (Hebrews 12:2). This is the Christian’s example to follow in our current circumstances. We are looking forward to the “joy set before us.” It’s our endgame! But until then, we’re here to do battle for the Kingdom of Heaven, to win souls to Christ for all eternity. Conditions since March 2020 have left ...

Dear Future CBM Intern

Written by Sarah Hardison Dear Future CBM Intern, This year is going to be one of the best and hardest years of your life. You will grow in your walk with the Lord, continually experience opportunities to be pushed out of your comfort zone, and make lifelong memories you will cherish forever. While you are a part of this internship you will hear things like “stretching your spiritual muscles,” “do it until it hurts and do it a little more,” and “developing good habits.” These are important and hard things that are a part of being an intern! As someone who was once an intern, please allow me to impart some “alumtern” wisdom, ...

Ministry Doesn’t Stop

Written by Jacquelyn Davis   Today is not like yesterday. This month is not like last month. This year is not like last year. This is a new day–with new challenges, new fears and struggles. As I sit here and watch what is going on all around us it can feel overwhelming and earth shattering. There is a piece of me that wants to shrivel up and go hide in a hole. I mean, what can we do? Everything is shutting down. Things are changing. Churches are closing. I have never seen anything like this before. The mantra today seems to be, “Cancel everything and go home.”  But ministry doesn’t stop. Missionaries do not cease to exist. ...

Humility: What is it? Why is it important? How do we practice it?

By Andrea Woodworth Humility is one of the five Core Values of the CBM Internship Program. Out of all the biblical principles we could focus on, why humility? Well, for one thing, the internship is specifically designed to get young people out of their comfort zone and introduce them to what full-time ministry is really like. It’s hard to come to a place of learning if you already think you know everything. It’s no coincidence that in many scripture passages humility and wisdom go hand-in-hand. Here are a few of those passages from the book of Proverbs:   “Pride leads to disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.” (Proverbs ...

I Can Serve God With My Hands

Written by Christella Ledford, Team #11 There are approximately 458 Bible verses that contain the word “hands.” It is interesting to read the many stories that involve how hands can be used: some for evil and some for good. This subject must be important to God, whether He is instructing us, discipling us, or loving us. He tells us to work with our hands and to present that work to Him for His approval. We see the humility of Jesus using His hands to break the bread, serve the wine, and wash the feet of His disciples, and by performing miracle after miracle by feeding the multitudes, healing the sick, and raising the dead. We should strive ...