Celebrate the Opening of CAMP RED ARROW

redarrowChildren’s Bible Ministries of Virginia invites you to  a picnic to celebrate the opening of Camp Red Arrow

October 13, 2012

Where?  Camp Red Arrow 22338 Arrowhead Trail, Stevenburg, VA 22741

When? October 13, 2012—11 a.m – 2 p.m.

RSVP to: campredarrow@me.com of call 540-399-1022

Please bring lawn chairs, a side dish, and or dessert. Meat and drinks provided.

Check the websites cbmofvirginia.org or campredarrow.com  or Facebook incase of inclement weather for cancellation notice.

God wanted this camp opened for this summer. After all the whirlwind of  permits and approvals to getting a camp ready  for the summer, God made it happen.

The theme for this summer was “Amazing GRace,” with the focus on running the race of life for Christ successfully, which is only possible by His Grace. Each morning the campers were challenged by missionary to think globally for Christ and each evening they were challenged by our speaker to live for Christ daily.

The highlight of each week was the closing campfire where campers shared their hearts about what God had done in them and how they planned to honor Him with their lives.

All the reports from campers and parents about the summer camp were positive.  One parent shared, “My child came home from camp a different person.  They have been radically changed for Christ.” Wow, that is what it is all about.

So now that camp  is over for this summer, we’re taking the time to celebrate the opening of Camp Red Arrow. We hope you will join us.

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