Ministry Doesn’t Stop

Written by Jacquelyn Davis   Today is not like yesterday. This month is not like last month. This year is not like last year. This is a new day–with new challenges, new fears and struggles. As I sit here and watch what is going on all around us it can feel overwhelming and earth shattering. There is a piece of me that wants to shrivel up and go hide in a hole. I mean, what can we do? Everything is shutting down. Things are changing. Churches are closing. I have never seen anything like this before. The mantra today seems to be, “Cancel everything and go ...

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Humility: What is it? Why is it important? How do we practice it?

By Andrea Woodworth Humility is one of the five Core Values of the CBM Internship Program. Out of all the biblical principles we could focus on, why humility? Well, for one thing, the internship is specifically designed to get young people out of their comfort zone and introduce them to what full-time ministry is really like. It’s hard to come to a place of learning if you already think you know everything. It’s no coincidence that in many scripture passages humility and wisdom go hand-in-hand. Here are a few of those passages from the book of Proverbs: &nb...

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Tips and Tools to Treasure Scripture

Written by Rev. Jim Woychuk [Editor’s Note: Scripture memorization has been an important part of CBM’s ministry from the very beginning when Walter Jensen rewarded schoolchildren with a free week of camp if they memorized a certain number of Bible verses. Pastor Jim Woychuk explores why it should be a crucial aspect of a believers’ life.]   Incline your ear and hear the words of the wise, And apply your heart to my knowledge; For it is a pleasant thing if you keep them within you; Let them all be fixed upon your lips, So that your trust may ...

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Engaging in Missions: First Do No Harm

Written by Page Johnson   Imagine this:  Your mission team brings trunks full of shoes to fit onto kids’ feet within a community.  The team worked for months to collect them and sort them.  You see smiles, laughter, share Jesus and go home feeling great and post lots of pictures of barefooted kids who now have shoes! Share this all with the church and give the glory to God.  It feels great to do good things!  Right?  But wait…If you had taken time to survey the entire scene, you may have seen a man in the market with a blanket spread with various ...

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Personal Learning Experience Through the Five Core Values

Written by Myles Morrison    When you join the CBM Internship, you are introduced to five program core values. These are five different areas for you to learn, grow, seek, explore, and demonstrate throughout your time as a CBM Intern and beyond. Some of them were harder to understand and practice than others, but without the accountability and practice of these things I would not be where I am today, better equipping myself for ministry.    Humility: This one was a really fun one to practice. I am often very prideful and big-headed, so a lot ...

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