How Do We Encourage One Another?

By Marie Traister Encouragement is the action of giving someone support, confidence or hope.  Encouragement is given to stimulate and inspire someone.  If we do not have encouragement, we feel unappreciated, useless and unloved.  Our Heavenly Father knows that we are in great need of encouragement. Thirty-two times in the New Testament we are told to encourage one another. (Heb 3:13, Rom 15:5, Prov 12:25, Is 41:10, 2 Cor 4:16-18, Deu 31:8)  Encouragement “boosts performance, strengthens our resolve, and improves our health.” (1) Being an ...

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An Easter Bible Lesson

By Joanna McFarland The Bible is God’s Word. In it we learn so much about Him and His plan for the whole world. The Bible is split into 2 parts: The Old Testament and the New Testament. In the Old Testament, we learn that, from the beginning of time (creation), God was there. He made mankind and, even though they broke His commandments and deserved to die, He still loved them and desired to provide a substitution. Sacrificing a lamb was the only way this substitution would work. God tells us that the punishment for sin is death (Romans 6:23). It was not until the ...

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12 Ways to Help You Capture Your Student’s Attention

Written by Todd Witters Let’s face it﹘keeping kids focused on the Bible lesson you are teaching can be a difficult task, especially given the short attention span of today’s students.  It can be a challenge to keep them engaged, even for a short lesson. Grabbing their attention and eliminating distractions both contribute towards the overall objective of planting the seed of God’s Word in their hearts.  Here are a few tricks to add to your toolbox that I have used and I hope you might find helpful as well. ATTENTION GRABBERS 1. Try something ...

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The Key to a Successful Children’s Ministry

By Paul LaRue When working in Children’s Ministry you learn a lot.  I guess we could all say that, but when working with children and teens, your knowledge increases rather quickly.  And sometimes you learn more that you want to know. I’m on my 32nd year now in CBM. I was working with kids prior to that.  They have taught me plenty. Hopefully, I’ve been able to share the knowledge of Christ with them. I guess the main thing I’ve learned is “be ready, willing, and able” when in a children’s ministry.  Among thousands of other ...

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Why Teach Children?

By Dennis Farris We have in our grasp the power to shape the future.  We have the ability to provoke change, to bring about something greater than we can ever imagine.  We see the possibilities everyday; we see the potential shape of the future when we walk out our front doors, when we get out of our cars, when we're driving down the road.  It is something small, something seemingly insignificant, yet something of great value, of great importance. You may be thinking something along the lines of “opportunities to serve people” or “opportunit...

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