140 results for author: Author

5 Reasons to be Thankful

By Jacquelyn Davis There are so many reasons to be thankful! Of course we know this and, especially during this time of year, we like to share, comment on and encourage thankfulness. Today I want to share with you 5 reasons to be thankful as a missionary in 2019.  Closer Connections: As a young girl, I read many missionary stories. It always struck me how they left everything they knew and everyone they loved, knowing that they may never see them again. In some stories I would read about missionaries coming home to family members now married with several kids or family members sick and near death or who had already passed ...

5 Things You Need to Know Before Missions

By Bruce and Laura Edgar 1. It will be harder than you think It’s easy to hear stories or read newsletters and think that missions is easy. Some days it is but many days it is not. You will be tried in unique ways and there will be days you feel like giving up. That is why it’s important not to do missions on a whim thinking, “It will be fun to try.” A key to success is to have a support structure in place. This may be a mission board, as well as your church’s and pastor’s full support, and mentors who will be there for you along the way.  This is true whether you go for a week or a lifetime! 2. It will require an ...

The Impact of Service Programs on our Youth

By Katy Holmes I love camp! I have for well over two decades. One of my favorite aspects of the camp I grew up attending and working at is the high school volunteer program. Here at Camp Victory, we call it our CIT Program, which stands for Camper-In-Training. This program is mainly a “behind the scenes” kind of job. As a CIT, there is a lot of time spent setting tables, washing dishes, sweeping floors, and cleaning bathrooms, to name just a few. Often times, these tasks go unnoticed and there are not a lot of accolades that come with performing these jobs.  Twenty years ago, I took the leap and applied to be a CIT, and that was ...

Holding their Attention: Tips and Tricks for Teachers

By Cowboy Steve When it comes to teaching the Released Time Bible Classes we want to keep the students attention - and sometimes that can be a challenge! So what can we do? We’ve probably all heard it said how important visuals are, but sometimes you just don’t have enough pictures to keep things moving. In those times you become the visual! How? Here are some ideas: 1. Move around. Don’t stay in one spot up front. Act out (a little) part of the lesson. For example: if teaching about David and Goliath, you put on Saul’s armor or a coat that is way too big for you or have one of the students put it on and try to walk around.Then ...

The Rewards Of A Teacher

By Mark Redka Rewards are nice, aren’t they?  It feels great when people enjoy a meal you’ve cooked or someone tells you that we look nice.  It’s rewarding when people notice that you’ve lost weight after you’ve been diligent on a diet (not that I know from personal experience).  I love to look out the window at the lawn I have just mowed or to admire a newly waxed vehicle. That’s instant gratification. Yet not all rewards are so instant or obvious.   Our motive as teachers shouldn’t be rewards.  It should be our love for our Savior, our students, and the subject that we are teaching.  Yet ...