5 Reasons to be Thankful

By Jacquelyn Davis

There are so many reasons to be thankful! Of course we know this and, especially during this time of year, we like to share, comment on and encourage thankfulness. Today I want to share with you 5 reasons to be thankful as a missionary in 2019. 

  1. Closer Connections: As a young girl, I read many missionary stories. It always struck me how they left everything they knew and everyone they loved, knowing that they may never see them again. In some stories I would read about missionaries coming home to family members now married with several kids or family members sick and near death or who had already passed away. It is amazing what technology has done to help keep family and friends connected. The other day my little nephew was born and, instantly, I got a thousand photos and videos even though I am half the country away from his family. I am so thankful for those close connections with family but also with supporters. Being able to easily update those who support the ministry and me is a wonderful thing! If I am having a rough day or have a specific need or prayer request, I am one button away from sharing it with my ministry team! We are connected in ministry like never before!
  1. Open Doors: There are so many ways the doors are open for the spread of gospel but one that I am constantly reminded of is technology. We so often give technology a bad wrap. True, it can be a problem, and even an addiction, but it can also be an amazing tool to reach more people with the gospel of Christ. The way we can get information in front of people is faster and more widespread than ever before; think about the Bible App alone! This, of course, does not mean that we don’t still need to go. But, it does help those of us who go to more effectively reach the generations with the gospel. 
  1. Transportation: I LOVE TO TRAVEL! Maybe you do, too. Have you noticed what a traveling generation we are? We love travel bloggers and vloggers. We follow instagrammers who travel and take photos. If you’re in the church community, chances are you have been on a short-term mission trip of some sort. We are a generation that gets around. I’m thankful for all the amazing forms of transportation! This means more opportunities to meet people to minister and to share the gospel. Places are more open simply because transportation has made it easier to get around! Instead of taking 5 months to cross the ocean by boat, take a plane and be there within 24 hours. 
  1. Inadequacies: I praise the Lord that I don’t have it all together. I praise the Lord that I am not strong enough, smart enough, or wise enough on my own. I am thankful that even now in 2019 our God is STILL at work and that He STILL chooses to use His people for His work. Despite that fact that we are in our sinful flesh, that we weary easily, and that we have finite minds, He works in us and through us to bring about His kingdom work. Our God is still at work today just as he was when Noah built the Ark, when Abraham left Ur, when David killed the lion and bear, when Peter walked on water, when Paul and Silas were in prison, when John was on the island of Patmos, when the underground church fled from Nero, when the Mayflower hit land, when Germany’s leader sent Jews to concentration camps, and when Billy Graham spoke at all those tent meetings. Our God is on the move. Never doubt the fact that God is at work around you.
  1. Coffee: I mean, who isn’t thankful for coffee? Seriously…it’s the best. And it reminds me that “every good and perfect gift comes from above.” Our God delights in giving us good things! Just take a minute to let that sink in–the  God of the Universe, Creator of all things, Beginning and End, delights in giving you good things. Ok, so maybe for you it isn’t coffee. Maybe it’s your pet or hot chocolate or Chick-Fil-A but, whatever it is, that wonderful gift that you delight in is from the Lord. As the Psalmist said, “Taste and see that the Lord is good.” 

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! Click HERE to go to our website and learn more about the ministry.

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