What We Do Will Vibrate Through Eternity

count-me-inCarolyn King, Director of CBM in Maryland went to be with the Lord this past October. She will be greatly missed by all of us. We will treasure memories of her always.

Reading the newsletter from Maryland this month, I am touched by one of her legacies that will live on through her the summer missionary intern program. She, along with others has taught many young adults how to share the Gospel with children.

This report is from one the summer missionary interns young adults:

From Talyah asking, “Why does God always yell when everybody’s in church?” to a clubber shouting “Fairy” in response to the review question, “Who freed Peter from jail?”, this past week of teaching in Baltimore City proved to be for children who were not accustomed to “church talk”. It could be discouraging to counsel a child who would “ummm” his way through a few awkward moments when asked, “What did Jesus do for you when He was on earth?” Especially when fellow missionaries coming back from their nice little church clubs, told stories about the 8 year-olds who prayed for their friends to receive Jesus so “their names would be written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.” But what encourages me and anyone else who serves in the “hard areas”, is that I had the chance to share the One who could rescue them from a life of sin and transform them into earth-shattering princes and princesses of King Jesus. It’s true that “church kids” need Jesus just as much as anyone else, but I enjoy basking in the contrast between the Holy Spirit that fills these young believers and the dark world that surrounds them. Oh, how wonderful it is that those who believed in Jesus that week, no matter how “unchurched”, are “…a people for God’s own possession; so that (they) may proclaim the excellence of Him who has called (them) out of darkness into His marvelous light.” (1 Peter 2:9)

As you can see what we dedicate your lives work to is the fruit that will be produced. This young person is now passionately planting seeds in their hearts of children about the Lord.

Thank you Carolyn for your work that invests in eternity. www.Cbmmd.org

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