31 results for tag: Christian internships

CBM Intern – Why I Do What I Do

CBM National intern, Timmy Martens -  This is what my typical day looks like as a CBM National Intern on rotation at Ponderosa Bible Camp: I usually wake up pretty early, and me being a night owl does not make this easy! Regardless, I force myself to my feet sometime before6:50am and try to beat the TEAM (Teens Excited About Ministry) members to the dining hall. If you don't know, TEAM members play a huge part in Ponderosa Bible Camp's Ministry. They do all the grunt work, like kitchen cleaning, dishwashing, and maintaining the grounds. This summer, I'm one of their leaders, so in the mornings, I need to make sure  they're pr...

CBM National Intern- Being a Servant Leader

CBM National intern, Devyn Polk -    One thing I never thought I’d be is a leader. I like to follow and work behind the scenes, but not lead! Yet, God’s plan always prevails. “Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.” ~Proverbs 19:21 This summer, as a CBM National Intern at Camp Ta-Pa-Win-Go, I am the Junior Staff Coordinator. I am in charge of the Junior Staff girls. We clean up after the meals, clean the gym, chapel, bathrooms, etc. “…Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant.” ~Matthew 20:26 God is teaching me to be a servant leader. I ...

CBM National Intern – Count It All Joy

By CBM National intern, Mark Martens -  Have you ever had one of those days where everything seemed to be going right? You were going about your day, the sun was shining, and life just could not seem to get any better. But then you get some news that flips your whole world upside down. It just so happens that I recently had one of those days. It all started one Friday morning on my summer rotation as a CBM National Intern at Camp Red Arrow. I received a call that made me a little apprehensive but I quickly put it in the back of my mind. I figured everything would be alright. Later on in the day, I received another phone call and the news I ...

Taking A Step Of Faith

By CBM National intern, Devyn Polk -  Faith - strong belief or trust in someone or something. "For we walk by faith, not by sight." 2 Corinthians 5:7  Taking a step of faith can be nerve-racking. When I applied for the CBM National Internship, I took a step of faith. I wasn't sure what I'd be doing or where I'd go. "Putting our faith into action is all about taking the first step on an uncertain journey. As others who have made this journey will tell us, it's not the actual going that is difficult. It is 'going without knowing' that is a bit unnerving. There are no maps on the journey of faith. We navigate by the starlight of ...

Big Faith

By CBM National intern, Timmy Martens -  I was eating with a Board member who so graciously took another intern and me out to explore the region around the Ohiopyle State Park. In between bites of our salads, we exchanged stories of how God had worked in our lives and the life of CBM’s Cornerstone Ministry Center, the ministry at which I have been stationed for the pre-summer rotation as a CBM National Intern. In our discussion, somehow the topic of faith was brought up. “It really depends on how big your God is.” That was the sentence that got the gears in my head turning. I had heard the phrase before, but putting it into the ...