The Smile of God
Jacob said, “For what a relief it is to see your friendly smile. It is like seeing the smile of God!”
Genesis 33:10 NLT
Do you need a little cheering up? If so, try cheering someone else up! Stop thinking about our own sadness or problems and set your mind on finding someone around you that needs some cheering up. When we cheer up others we will discover that is a wonderful way to cheer ourselves up, too!
The Word of God tells us that a cheerful heart is like medicine: it makes us feel better. So where does cheerfulness begin? It begins in the heart; it begins inside each of us and works its way out from there. It is a choice. We choose to be cheerful or we can choose to be sad.
When people are sad, for whatever reason, it’s up to us to speak a kind word or to offer a helping hand. Think of something that you can do to cheer someone up today…and then do it! You’ll make two people happy. An attitude of kindness starts in your heart and works its way out from there.
Let others see the smile of God through you today!
Views: 1715
April 22, 2020 (2:00 am)
…FINALLY I WANT TO OBEY GOD AFTER STRUGGLING FOR SOMETIME…PEACE SURPASSING CAME.Ist time i thought i would go for simple faith of CHILDREN devotion today.I read yr sharing….I WROTE IT DOWN ON MY JOURNAL…ISAIAH 30:15
brought me much,….much joy…i am thankful to JESUS FOR YOU TODAY, 22 APRIL 2020.