Reflections of an Intern Coordinator
By CBM National Intern Coordinator, JP Davis –
As I sit down and reflect on the Lord’s work this past year, I am flooded with an overwhelming sense of amazement and thankfulness. Our God is so gracious to His children. My favorite hymn is “It is Well with My Soul.” I believe it sums up this past year and all that is to come. There are so many things that happen during just one year of the internship. Satan doesn’t like it when God’s people follow Him. He tries to buffet us, trust me. Trials come and go on a daily basis. They may be simple; they may be complex. Life is not a smooth, easy ride. And then there is our sinfulness. Oh, how often our pride and selfishness rear their ugly heads. Yet, through it all, it is well with my soul. Why? Because my God is good. My God is in control. This is His ministry, not mine, and He will see it through. So, whether we are going through a peaceful season or we feel like Satan is out to stop us at every turn, it is well with my soul.
What does it look like to be the CBM National Intern Coordinator? Well, there are a lot of moving pieces and, if I were honest, I often don’t feel like I have a handle on them all. Amongst the scheduling, paperwork, and marketing, the most difficult and most rewarding parts of this ministry are the faces you see through these blogs. I love each one of these interns dearly. I didn’t think it was possible for me to love so many people so deeply. It is truly a gift from the Lord. I care about their physical and spiritual health. I desire to see them make wise and godly choices and to follow the Lord in all they do, for the rest of their life. Oh, the joy that takes place when this happens! I have seen interns grow in the Lord. I have seen them fall in love and get married. I have seen them raise children. I have seen them graduate. I have seen them continue to follow the Lord and I have seen the Lord use them to further His kingdom. It is well with my soul.
They are each strong, young men and women of God, but that doesn’t mean it is an easy year as they go through the program. There are days that the car breaks down on our travels. There are days that everyone is dragging, tired and cranky. There are days that I, in my pride and selfishness, desire a certain response or action that does not happen and I then get frustrated. There are days we can all feel that Satan will do anything to tear us apart or stop our ministry. There are so many heart issues and spiritual battles taking place on a daily basis. Prayer warriors, we need you! But, even through the midst of this, it is well with my soul. My King has won the victory.
I praise the Lord for being a God who is involved. He is here, He is with us. He fights on our behalf and He has won the ultimate victory. I cannot wait for the day of my Lord’s return! However, I pray that I remain faithful to Him until that time. As the last verse of the song goes: “And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight, the clouds be rolled back as a scroll; the trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend. Even so, it is well with my soul.”
Edited by CBM National
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