CBM Intern – Have Faith

By CBM National intern, Priscilla Depew –

Hello everyone! I am serving at Camp Gilead in Polk City, Florida for my second rotation. I was previously at Camp Victory in Samson, Alabama and switching camps was kind of hard in the beginning. I was used to knowing exactly what I was supposed to do and when I was supposed to do it. I had a solid schedule but, being here, I haven’t had that. I was stressing about not knowing what I was supposed to do. I got really worried about it. I’m more used to it now than I was because I realized God is still in control. He knows what He’s doing, so I don’t have to worry. I can have peace.

When I was at Camp Victory, I helped out with a lot of the Released Time classes there. I taught about two themes, faith and peace. They go hand in hand. The definition of faith that we used was “Believing that God will do what He says.” The definition of peace we used was “Having a worry-free trust in God.” If we have faith, we will have peace. If we believe that God will do what He says He will, we can have a worry-free trust in Him.

Joseph is an excellent example of having peace. He went through so much but he still trusted God. He still had faith. He got sold as a slave by his brothers, he was placed over Potiphar’s household, he was lied about and thrown in jail, he stayed in jail for over two years and, finally, he was taken out of jail and placed in charge of all of Egypt. He went through so much but, through it all, he had peace. He knew that God was going to take care of him. He knew that God was in control, so he didn’t worry. How often do we trust God that much?

I suppose my final thought is that we should remember to have faith. God will do what he says, so we don’t need to worry. We can have peace whatever we’re going through; whatever our circumstances, God is still in control.

Are you worrying about what to do with your future? Do you feel God calling you to ministry? You should consider the CBM National Internship! You’ll learn a bunch of new skills, and you will grow in your walk with Christ.

Edited by CBM National

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