Kenya Africa Outreach-“Nyasaye oheri" means God loves you in Luo language


Tuesday is a day of travel to the ministry location.  Hopefully they had a restful night in Nairobi.  Bobby, Bob and Jerry are flying out to Mfangano Island and will meet with Pastor Joshua Nyicula.  They will discuss the agenda after being welcomed like family.

One of the things that they will be discussing is New Life Camp, Kenya.  Pastor Joshua has already held a day camp session in December with his staff.  This was a big success with more that 20 salvations.  They held camp for all ages.  He is seeking much prayer and wisdom in decisions.  He is investigating two properties.  One piece of land is for sale, and the other is for a 99 year lease.  I have included a photo of Pastor Joshua gesturing toward a potential property for the camp.

Please pray for good health for all.  Pray for safe food to eat and good water to drink.


Please pray they will be sensitive to the Holy Spirit when planning the agenda and flexible to His plan.

Please pray for wisdom as they look at property for New Life Camp, Kenya.

Please pray for the schools and fishing communities that they will visit.

Pray for good rest each night and energy for each day.

Pray for the hearts of those who will hear the gospel and those who need a deeper fellowship by obedience to following Christ.

Pray for the Christian Kenyans to be encouraged.

10 So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
13 For I am the LORD your God
who takes hold of your right hand
and says to you, Do not fear;
I will help you.

Isaiah 41


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