CBM Moving to Kenya Africa Can this be?

Trip to Kenya AfricaThe answer is “yes” and “no”!    For about 10 years, Bobby Johnson, from CBM’s New Life Camp in Raleigh, NC, has been traveling to Kenya, to work with native pastor, Joshua Nyicula.   Bobby has been involved with preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ in many areas and in many situations, but mostly on Mfangano Island.  Through these efforts, many hundreds of people have realized their need of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and have turned their lives over to Him.  Pastor Joshua envisions a Christian camp in Kenya, patterned after CBM’s camps; in fact, he’s calling it New Life Camp, Kenya!  Stay tuned for more information….

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1 Reply to "CBM Moving to Kenya Africa Can this be?"

  • PLR membership
    May 10, 2011 (2:18 am)

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