Children’s Ministry Opportunities for a New Year

It’s a new year, and many new opportunities stand before us:

1. CBM boys and girls in Oklahoma’s Released Time will have an opportunity to attend

summer camp at New Life Ranch, also in Oklahoma.

2. Boys and girls in Central Alabama will soon be able to “Dial a Story” and learn of

Christ via their telephone.

3. Three new positions are being filled at Camp Gilead in Florida, enabling major growth

to take place.

4. A new six-bedroom cabin is now being built in Tennessee at Camp Ta Pa Win Go.

They plan to use it starting in June.

5. At Camp Grace, a seven-site R.V. campground will be built for our volunteers.

6. Our 8th year-round camp site, Camp Red Arrow in Virginia, is making plans to open in


You understand that all of these projects, and many more, become reality as people labor, pray, and give. Your part in helping to keep National going forward is appreciated. Thank you for your recent gift.

Your prayers are welcomed for my two week trip, Feb. 13-27, to Kenya, Africa. Bobby Johnson, one of our CBM workers who has been going there for short-term mission trips for the past nine years, along with the local pastor in Kenya have invited me to work with them in looking for land on which to build a camp.

May He bless you and give you wisdom as you move through this new year.

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