Christian Internship – Great is Thy Faithfulness

By CBM National Intern, Ana Rodriguez –

As I reflect on these past several months, in this Christian internship program,  there rings a consistent song. Through the difficult and through the exciting, the resounding melody of God’s faithfulness is heard clearly in the story He is writing through my life.
The experiences here at CBM National headquarters have been no exception, rich in ministry training with various pertinent classes and experience in office work, maintenance, and housekeeping. The Lord has used this time to work within my mind, inclining my heart toward His purposes.
“Great is thy faithfulness, O God my Father,” the refrain of this classic hymn expresses comforting and convicting truth, which compels believers to rest in the faithfulness of our trustworthy God. It has been in my weak flesh and my fickle heart that the Lord has chosen to give glimpses of His faithfulness, yet these glimpses are enough to overwhelm. Awe-inspiring is the faithfulness of our God and nauseating is my faithlessness; by His grace, I hold fast to His Word and trust with unwavering certainty the prevailing will of God.
Still, what does that look like? In the mundane, in the ordinary; what pertinence has this truth to stapling flyers and folding brochures? I’m not sure that I know how to answer that quite yet. But one thing I do know, “that he who began a good work in (me) will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:6.)
Wherever the Lord may lead me, I hope to follow with faith-filled obedience. May my life reflect well the character of my God, may I continue to abide in His abounding grace, and may my life continue to sing of His great faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23 “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassion never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”
Edited by CBM National
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