Children’s Devotion- Obedience

childrensdevotionsHey Kids do you know the song, OBEDIENCE? It goes like this. Obedience is the very best way to show that you believe. Doing exactly what the Lord commands and doing it happily. Action is the key, Do it immediately, Joy you will receive. Obedience is the very best way to show that you believe. O-B-E-D-I-E-N-C-E Obedience is the very best way to show that you believe.

Do you have a hard time obeying your parents, a teacher, or your babysitter? What about forgiving your brother or sister when they do something wrong toward you, have you forgiven them?

Jesus says in John 14:21a, “Those who obey my commandments are the ones who love me…” (NLT)

A big part of doing what is right is learning to be obedient…and the best time to start being a more obedient person is right now!

Henry Blackaby, a wise man says this about being obeying our Savior. “Obedience is the outward expression of your love for God.” Are you willing to obey Him and show your love for God by keeping His commandments? Obedience is the very best way!

Thought for today: Do not willingly put yourself in situations where you might be easily tempted to disobey God.

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