CBM’s 7th Camp Is Open!

We made it!  Our seventh CBM camp is up and running. Cornerstone Ministry Center is located in Green Co., Pennsylvania. The state has given us a 14 day temporary occupancy permit. This will allow us to have our two weeks of camp at this new site. The Lord has provided funds, volunteers, and hired workers which permits us to use the 18,000 square foot building that was given to CBM by a mining company over 2 years ago.

Our cook Gloria Cox’s response: “I have a kitchen!  I don’t have to pack up all the supplies like I have done for the past 19 years.” “When I look around, I am so thankful I just want to cry”

Our Area Director Judy Vergile’s response: “Halleluiah, Praise the Lord.”

The parents’ response: “How beautiful.”

You may ask what is so beautiful?  Most of them would be referring to the campers’  bedrooms. Eight churches each adopted a room and paid for its renovation. All the rooms were decorated around the theme of missions and a particular missionary such as; Hudson Taylor, Amie Carmichael etc. CBM continues to present World Missions to our campers.

As I write this letter 47 teens are hearing the claims of Christ and being challenged to follow Him. The first of August, 55 elementary campers will have arrived. During the last several weeks 5 older teen girls were being paid by a state agency to work at the camp site. Perhaps the greatest thrill was when Paul Sheller, an 89 year old blind veteran CBM volunteer counselor lead all 5 of these girls to the Lord.

In and For Christ,

Jerry Traister

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