Living Out Love
By CBM National intern, Mark Martens –
Have you ever had a time when you were reading a passage of Scripture and part of a verse just gripped you for some reason? Well, this happened to me not too long ago while I was reading My Utmost for His Highest for my devotions. I came across the verse, 2 Corinthians 5:14, which says, “For the love of Christ controls us…” It was that part of the verse that gripped me. The reason this resounded with me is because more often than not, I like to try and take control of my life. It can be very easy for us to think we can do this.
As I kept pondering this verse, the question, “How often do you let the love of Christ control your life?” seemed to keep repeating itself over and over in my mind. The concept of the verse seems simple enough. We need to allow Christ’s love to control us. But then I saw something I never saw before. A question rang out in my mind. “What if I let my love for Christ control my life?” When you think about it, the concept is pretty much the same, but this question brought so much more truth and clarity to my mind.
If I let my love for Christ control my life, I am going to want to deepen my relationship with Him. As I deepen my relationship with Him, my love for Him should be overflowing into the lives of the people around me because I am allowing His love to control my life. The reason the love of Christ should be controlling us is found in the rest of verse 14 and in verse 15. They say, “because we have concluded this: that One has died for all, therefore all have died; and He died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for Him who for their sake died and was raised.” It all comes back to the Gospel. We should be allowing the love of Christ to control us because He has given us new life. And this new life is not worth living for ourselves.
It is such an exciting truth, one that as time goes on will constantly be changing my life. So that whether I am helping with basketball practice or working in the office, my love for Christ should so control my life that I will not care if I am in control anymore but that I am exemplifying love for Him and others.
Love Take Me Over:
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