How to Get Into the Routine of Things by Getting Out of the Routine of Things

By CBM National interns, Jerri and Scott Carpenter


Reading your Bible is wonderful and awesome, but somehow, most of us are still guilty of feeling like we HAVE TO do it instead of really WANTING to do it. The same thing goes for our prayer life too, at times. We pray for our meals, pray for God to use us, and pray for a good day, which are all great things to pray, but we should not be praying just to check something off our to-do list. Prayer is so very important and deepens our relationship with our beautiful God!

So how do we get into the routine of things by getting out of the routine of things? That sounds crazy and unreasonable, right? Well, it is not! We should want to read our Bible and pray every day. We should be so excited about it that it’s the part of our day we long for!

How, when, and where should we read our Bible and pray? These are the three big factors for changing our prayer and Bible-reading life.


Something that is really cool is making a list of prayer requests (for yourself, family, friends, loved ones, whatever). Once you have this list, take one a day and pray fervently for that one thing all day long. (Of course, pray for other things that come along that day, and don’t ignore how important thanking God is). You don’t have to close your eyes if you are busy – God understands and knows your heart. With your Bible reading, set small daily goals to reach a big overall goal, spending time with God in His word as often as possible.


It does not matter what time of the day you read your Bible or pray. God made us all different for awesome reasons. You can try out different times of the day, to see what best works for you to learn what God is trying to teach you through His word. Praying should happen as much as possible! We should have a heart of praying without ceasing, as His word says! But there are not exact times for this! If you think of something – pray about it, if someone mentions a request or need – pray about it. Pray in every moment!


This is the most fun part of reading your Bible and praying. Try not to read in the same place all the time! Try reading in your bed, outside on the porch, at the kitchen table, on a couch, hammock, a bench out in the woods, or even in a library…..just mix it up! This will help show you the environment that’s best for your learning and that most excites you. With praying, DO IT EVERYWHERE! If someone asks you to pray for them, don’t wait, do it right there in the middle of a full parking lot. Don’t be afraid to love on others through prayer in public! But, don’t forget to continue that private prayer time with your Heavenly Father, as well!

Whether you are reading your Bible up in a tree or praying at a stoplight, love on God in every moment!


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