Faith over Fear

Written by Staciajohna Randle, Team #12

Fear is something that I struggled with a lot in my life. Fear will cause us to be blind and act out instead of thinking. The word fear in Greek is phobos meaning dread and terror. I wrote a whole page about faith over fear, and I felt great about it. But then George Floyd died on May 26, 2020, and little did I know that the whole society was going to change. All the confidence I had about having faith and no fear was suddenly all thrown out the window. The riots began and my faith was put to a test and I failed it. I was so fearful for my family and friends’ safety. 

Everything was being destroyed and people were getting hurt. I was so deep in the fear that I lost trust in God. Faith is all about trust and having a firm assurance and, for me, all that was gone. I didn’t mean to feel that way but I did, because I was living in fear. My fear was saying to God that I don’t trust Him to take care of things, and that’s not faith. God is in control of all things and we shouldn’t worry or fear because whatever He is putting us through He knows that we can handle it with His help, and we will learn or prosper from it. Now for me, I had to let go of control and let myself know that God is in control and I am not. I cannot stop the riots and violence but I can pray about it and give God my burdens. I can ask God to protect my family and friends. I know that God has a plan and He knows what He is doing. Faith is all about trust and, once we hand everything over to God, we have no fear. I have no fear about anything because I know I can trust God in all things. 

 Hebrews 11:1-3 says “Faith is the reality of what we hope for, proof of what we don’t see. The elders in the past were approved because they showed faith. By faith we understand that the universe has been created by a word from God so that the visible came into existence from the invisible.” Faith is the foundation of being a Christian; to believe in a God that you cannot see with your eyes, but what we can see are the miracles, creation, and blessing that come into play in our lives which helps strengthen our faith. In the Bible, it states this clearly, “For we live by faith, not by sight.” (2 Corinthians 5:7) If we live by sight, it will cause us to stumble but, sometimes, it is easier to live by sight. I was watching the world unfold around me instead of fixing my eyes on Jesus. The world around us is not perfect and is dark, which is why it is important to have faith in Jesus. Our God does not change with the seasons. He is constant and we can lean on Him. For now the world will continue to fall apart; for now we have a division among the nation between our police force and a large percent of our population. If we have faith in our God and look to Him, He tells us in His Word that, “For everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.” (1 John 5:4)

 When we have faith in God we get peace, and we don’t become fearful of the unknown or even the known. “I will both lie down in peace, and sleep; for You alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety.” (Psalm 4:8) Remember God loves you and will take care of you. He isn’t going to allow you to be in any danger without being right there with you. Put your trust in Him and give the fears of the world and anything that is going on in your life to Him. I did and I felt an instant relief. Of course, there are some times that I have little faith and start to dwell in the fears of the world. I am only human, but I always come before Him and give Him my fears. I have good friends around me who remind me of Who is in control and I encourage you to have others help remind you, as well. Today, think about your fears, even if it is something small. Pray to God and give Him your fears–do not let them make you blind to the glory and joy God brings. Practice being faithful; it is not going to come right away, it will take time, just like any relationship, but it’s a relationship that is going to last an eternity. God has shown me that He is in control and there is nothing on earth that will change that–not the riots, wars, politics, nothing. God is never-changing and everlasting.

Staciajohna, who is from Saint Paul, MN, is a part of the CBM Internship program, which exists to encourage young people to experience missions! To learn more about the CBM Internship program click HERE [].

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