CBM Interns – The New and the Uncomfortable
By CBM National intern, Cati Watts –
What is it that scares us so much about change? Things change all the time and at some point in everyone’s life they are in a
new situation. I do not like being in that position. I have just been placed in a new situation on my first rotation with the CBM National Internship at Ponderosa Bible Camp. Within the first couple of days I realized I was feeling quite uncomfortable and awkward, so I began to search for the root reasons why.
- Fear: Although the missionaries were new to me, they were super friendly and nice people, so why did I feel awkward? I realized what it came down to was my fear. Fear of man, fear that I wouldn’t fit in, or that I would be too weird for them.
- Unfamiliarity: I don’t know where anything is. This camp is a place I have never been before, so I’ve had to learn where everything is and whereit goes. My pride gets in the way with this one. I just really don’t want to ask where to go or how to put things away. So you know what I do instead? I stand there and do nothing until I feel awkward and in the way. Isn’t that silly
- Flexibility: This one is my favorite! A new routine! There is nothing set in stone yet and things are still trying to be figured out. I tell people I don’t have to be in control; it’s no big deal. But guess what, I am not as flexible or as patient as I thought. I like to know what I am supposed to do immediately.
My conclusion as to why new is so uncomfortable is because just when we thought we had it all together, God puts a little curve in “the road of normal.” God doesn’t want us to become comfortable because then we would not be motivated to grow, and reach for Him. New is not bad, it is God given, so we need to stop fearing it!
“For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.” Isaiah 43:19
How can God use you and your talents to further His kingdom?
Find out more about how the internship can train and equip you!!
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Virginia Phelps
April 25, 2017 (3:32 am)
Love you.