CBM Intern – I Will Glory in my Redeemer
By Ana Rodriguez, CBM National Intern –
When I consider the great love and mercy of my Savior, I am left speechless. His grace is beyond my understanding and I am far from grasping His goodness. Who am I, that He is mindful of me? The reality of His unending compassion is enough to compel my praise. And yet, with vain conceit I enter His presence and with petty requests I approach His throne. It is extremely easy to yield to our prideful nature and carelessly forget who we are and who He is.
I am not alone in this struggle to remember. Israel, the chosen people of God wandered astray after other gods, despite the Lord’s clear guidance and grace. They too forgot. Overlooking His protection and His promises, they exalted themselves. It feels I have carried on their legacy of unfaithfulness and idolatry in my own ways. The entitlement and self-elevation which is embraced and encouraged throughout our culture only feeds this tendency. This does not at all undo or excuse my own forgetfulness but, rather, makes me abundantly grateful when the Lord reminds me.
Let us do our best to put ourselves in the position to always remember the goodness and grace of our Lord, never to be forgetful or confused as to where glory is due. Even so, I will still forget. So I am greatly impatient for perfection when, at last, I will see His face, in heaven. Until then, “far be it from me to boast except on the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Galatians 6:14a
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