CBM Intern-A Step Of Faith

By CBM National Intern, Andrew Willis – 


Applying for this internship with CBM National was a big step for me in faith and trusting God. I was never one for joining a program without knowing the outcome or whether or not I would be financially stable or not. Just in the past three months, God has already taught me to rely on Him more, and He always provides for me in so many ways. I have become more confident in public speaking, teaching, studying, and sharing my testimony. Every time I get nervous of an opportunity to speak in front of a crowd or just feel overwhelmed with all I have on my plate, I remember Isaiah 41:10 “Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.”  God sends me peace as I realize that I can’t do anything without Him.

I have learned a great deal about cleaning, being more organized, preparing activities, looking for opportunities to share the Gospel, and recognizing them when they inevitably present themselves. I have learned so much from the classes too, such as how to defend the Bible and tips on studying more effectively. We also did an Old Testament study that taught me tons of new facts and helped me better understand the things I already knew. Of course there is always more to learn, but I am more confident about my Bible knowledge and know God is training me to be more effective for Him.

I’m excited to see what God has in store for me in the future and how He is going to work through me as I travel for my seven months of rotations to different CBM areas all over the United States. God has certainly helped me come out of my shell and though there is a lot more for me to overcome, I know if I trust in God then He will help me to overcome it.

If you are interested in being a part of the Team,

Contact the Intern Coordinator at jacqueatcbm@gmail.com
or APPLY NOW: https://childrensbibleministries.net/internship-application

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