An Introduction to Your Neighbor

By CBM National intern, Paul Daly - “Who is my neighbor?” the lawyer tested Jesus. In his mind, neighbors were those that were of his nationality and religion. His neighbor was the man that was a Jew, like him. The lawyer’s intention behind the question was flawed. Nevertheless, Jesus’ intention behind His answer was different, and His response teaches us a profound lesson about the love that He expects from us.   Rather than answering, “A Jew should love a Jew,” like I believe the lawyer wanted to hear, Jesus tells him a story. Jesus never ...

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Will You Tell Me a Secret?

This is a story from Liane Lindauer, a missionary forChildren’s Bible Ministries, Camp Ta-Pa-Win-Go. “ It started with one of my nieces. She came to Day Camp, and Friday was a hard day. The sun shone for a little while, but the rain also poured down most of the day.  She was a little upset, so while she was standing in line with the rest of the yellow team, I told her that I wanted to tell her a secret.  Thinking it might cheer her up to hear the words, I bent down and whispered in her ear. “ I love you.” The little girl standing in front of her immedia...

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How to Become a Christian– ABC

Love God–Love Others

1 John 4:20-21“Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen. And he has given us this command: Anyone who loves God must also love their brother and sister.”

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Kindness- the Golden Rule

Some years back, a family was out for an evening stroll around the block.  The mother was pushing her baby girl in a stroller and her 3-year-old son was toddling along next to them. In the preceding days, the family had talked about the dangers of cigarette smoking, so the topic was fresh on the 3 year-olds mind. As they came around the corner of the street, we saw a neighbor acquaintance out on her porch. She was smoking a cigarette. Before the mother could wave hello, her little son yelled out, "You're gonna die!" She was speechless; the mother was mortified. ...

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