CBM Intern – Ansley Blake

CBM National Intern, Ansley Blake –
Camp Ta-Pa-Win-Go is my last rotation of the internship. This past year has felt like the longest year of my life yet it has simultaneously felt like the shortest year of my life. In the one month that I have been serving in Watauga, Tennessee, I have gotten to witness three different styles of released time classes. The biggest thing I have learned is that God ALWAYS provides.

For those of you who are not familiar with Released Time in CBM, it is a program where CBM missionaries transport children from public schools to a nearby church/RT trailer to teach them Bible stories and to share the gospel. I have had the opportunity to watch three missionaries teach these classes while I have been here! While they are each different in their own ways, it is encouraging to watch their passion for children and love for Christ be exposed in their ministry.

One of my biggest struggles has always been trusting that God will provide for me financially. Since I have been at Ta-Pa-Win-Go, God has provided so abundantly and shown me that He will always take care of me! He always made sure I had food each day. He provided much needed rest more than just once. Recently, my car needed two new tires, an oil change, and a front-end alignment. All of those things combined were way over my budget as an intern but God, knowing my situation and my worries, took care of every bit of it. I paid nothing! God provided it all. His provision never ceases to amaze me.

When teaching released time classes, consistency is great in some aspects, but it is awesome to see God work differently through each believer. No matter how many times I have to be reminded, I will not stop being forever grateful for the ways God provides for me. Although I may be anxious sometimes, He assures me that He will forever be by my side at ALL times, good and bad. I am so thankful for the lessons God teaches through trials and through His Word. Isaiah 41:10 reads, “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

Edited by CBM National

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