Teacher Bios
Pastor Greg Kain | Bluff City, TN
Grew up in Southeastern Pa. Attended Philadelphia College Of Bible (Now Cairn University). Graduated from Appalachian Bible College in Bradley WV. 1976
Earned the Master of Divinity (M.Div.) from Temple Baptist Seminary in Chattanooga TN in 1987. Earned the Master of Theology (Th.M.) from Temple Baptist Seminary in 1988.
Pastor of Vance Bible Church in Bristol, TN since 1993. Serves on the board of Camp TaPaWinGo (CBM) in Northeast TN. Serves as the Chairman of the Board for CBM National in Townsend TN.
Full-Time Faculty with Davis College
My name is Rev. Timothy Howard Jr. I am an adjunct professor at Davis College and the Senior Pastor of Eastford Baptist Church, Eastford, Connecticut.The Lord saved me at the age of five years old after my dad and mom had recently been saved as well. God graciously did some amazing things in order to bring my whole family to saving faith, utilizing the witness of my grandmother as well as some faithful believers sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with my family. I grew up serving the Lord in my home church until the Lord called me into full-time, vocational ministry.Following that call, I left for Clark’s Summit University in Clark’s Summit, PA, (formerly Baptist Bible College & Seminary) where I met my wife Sarah, who is a talented musician both in the areas of piano and vocals. I graduated in 2007 with a B.S. in Bible/Theology and a M.A. in Biblical Studies. I also earned an M.Div. through The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, in Louisville, KY, and will be pursuing a Ph.D. soon. Sarah and I were married in 2009 and have three children, Karissa Faith, Timothy James (TJ), and Trinity Hope.My life’s desire is to glorify God by investing my life into the lives of others, which is why I am so thankful to be a part of the Davis team!
Bachelor of Science in Bible/Theology – Clark’s Summit University, Clark’s Summit, PA
Master of Arts in Biblical Studies – Baptist Bible Seminary, Clark’s Summit, PA
Master of Divinity in Christian Ministry – The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, KY
- Youth Pastor – Faith Baptist Church, Enfield, CT (2010-2011)
- Associate Pastor – Calvary Baptist Church, Windsor Locks, CT (2011-2015)
- Senior Pastor – Eastford Baptist Church, Eastford, CT (2015-Currently)
President of Davis College (9/2021)
PhD, University of Wales Trinity Saint David (Lampeter, Wales UK)
DD, Mt. Zion Baptist College (Nidumolu, India)
DRE, International Seminary (Plymouth, FL)
MA, Liberty University (Lynchburg, VA)
MRE, Trinity Theological Seminary (Newburg, IN)
BA, Criswell College (Dallas, TX)
- Adjunct Instructor, Fulton-Montgomery Community College, Johnstown, NY 2005-2020
- Dr. Blanc is a full member of the Evangelical Theological Society. He has presented numerous academic papers at both national and regional meetings of the Society since 2002.
- He has served pastorates in Texas, Indiana, North Carolina, and New York.
- Dr. Blanc co-founded Laborers Together (1992) to assist national pastors through evangelism and theological education.
- He co-founded and serves as Vice-President of the Ichthys Foundation (2002), a Poland-based Christian publishing house.
- Dr. Blanc has partnered with indigenous Christian ministries for more than 25 years in locations such as Central America, the Caribbean, Eastern and Western Europe, Africa, and India.
- He recently co-founded The Foothills Christian Life Center in Johnstown, NY (2013) as an outreach ministry to the residents of Fulton County.
- Dr. Blanc is married to Sally (1980). Together they have 6 children and 4 grandchildren.
Full-Time Faculty with Davis College
Page Johnson & her husband, Bobby Johnson serve with Interlocking Ministries in Kenya which is an Affiliate of CBM. Page teaches the interns about Personal Nutrition & how to meal plan on a budget.
Lincoln is the National Director of Children’s Bible Ministries. He teaches the interns about Personal Budgeting & Professional/Personal Image.
Timmy serves at Camp Grace in Fairmont, NC as their Marketing & Media Coordinator and their Teen Ministries Coordinator. Jeff is the Area Director of Ponderosa Bible Camp in Mentone, AL. They teach the interns about spiritual gifts & personality.
Jamie is the National Director for CBM’s Ministry Development. She teaches the interns phone etiquette.
Liane serves at Camp Ta-Pa-Win-Go in Watauga, TN. She teaches the interns about How to Present a Christ-Centered Testimony.
Kathy is the CBM Prayer Coordinator & is on the CBM National Board. She teaches the interns about Prayer Walking and Prayer Journaling.
Jordan is a Financial Support Raising Coach with United World Missions. He teaches the interns about Fundraising & the Biblical Foundation of Support Raising.
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